She suspected he was a fast learner in all things. She hadn't seen it at first, but intelligence lingered in those big brown eyes. "And you don't want to be a doctor?"

"I didn't say I don't want to be a doctor."

"But you said ... I mean I got the feeling when you talked about your parents that you didn't want to do what they wanted you to do."

"She wants me to go into medicine for humans because that's where the money is. I want to train to treat supernaturals. That's where my skills will be the most useful."

She nodded. "I see." The waitress dropped off their drinks. Della twirled a straw around her glass and watched the bubbles rise to the top. "My parents wanted me to be a doctor, too."

"And you don't want that?" he asked.

"Hell, no. I want to go into criminal justice."

"A lawyer?"

"No. I don't want to defend the law. I want to enforce it. Before I was turned, I was thinking FBI or CIA. Now I'm thinking FRU. Which is why I didn't want Burnett to know I'd screwed up."

He shook his head. "You didn't screw up."

"I got stabbed. That's pretty screwed up." She jabbed her straw into her drink.

"We were up against a whole gang of rogue vampires. The fact that we got out of there alive is a freaking miracle."

She gave the straw another race around her glass. "But you're the one who saved us. The one who came up with a plan, and then again with the werewolves."

"Yeah, but you were a little busy trying not to let that rogue were/vampire kill you in the ring. And when the weres showed up you were already stabbed and bleeding like crazy, but you still stood up."

"I didn't do shit when they came," she muttered, ashamed of herself.

"You stood up and faced them and let them know you weren't ready to be their dinner."

He looked down at his own glass for a second. "Honestly, I was totally impressed with you. The whole time, I'm freaking out inside. Hell, my knees were shaking and you were like this epitome of calm. I kept looking at you and thinking if you could do this, I could, too."

She let go of a deep breath. "I wasn't calm. I was freaking out, too."

He smiled. "Well, that's why you're so good at this, Della. You didn't seem scared. Not once. You can do this. I personally don't like the thought of you putting yourself in danger, but don't ever think you screwed up. You kicked ass in that ring."

His compliment felt like a big hug. And as she constantly told Kylie and Miranda, she wasn't much of a hugger.

Looking down at her drink again, the realization hit. She used to be a hugger, but now when anyone wrapped their warm arms around her it reminded her of how cold she was.

Suddenly, she realized when Steve had kissed her and touched her she'd forgotten she was cold. For the first time since she'd been turned, she'd felt normal again-felt ... human. Damn that felt good.

"Thanks." She looked up briefly and hoped he understood how much she meant it, because she didn't want to have to express it any more than just offering the word.

The waitress dropped off their food. Della spooned the French onion soup into her mouth, bypassing the cheese. But as the warm, tasty broth danced on her tongue, she couldn't help but think how good Steve's blood tasted. How good his kisses were. How it felt to be touched and not think about being cold.

When she'd showered, she'd noticed a hickey between her shoulder and left breast. She was glad he'd left his mark on her. But she was equally glad it wasn't permanent. It would fade in a few days. And that's the way it should be. Because once they were back at Shadow Falls this was over.


She simply couldn't put her heart on the chopping block again. Lee, along with her parents, had taught her how hard it was to love someone. How easy it was for them to disappoint you.

She didn't love Steve, not yet, but these last thirty-six hours had taught her how easy it would be to let herself go there. When someone was genuinely nice your heart welcomed them inside. Add the whole good-looking thing and him being such an awesome kisser to the scenario, and her heart had a welcome mat ready to toss down, a marching band, and banners with flashy letters reading, COME ON IN.

And that was unacceptable. She couldn't fall in love with Steve. Nope. No way. As soon as they returned to Shadow Falls, she was back to being the old Della. Solo. She had Miranda, and she had Kylie. As soon as Kylie returned.

Della didn't need a guy making her feel special, making her feel beautiful, making her feel ... human.

Steve picked up his knife and cut a piece of steak. "Oh, when I spoke with Burnett earlier this morning he mentioned that he went to see Kylie."

Della's heart swelled. "He knows where she is? Is she coming back?"

"He must know because he said he'd seen her, but he didn't say anything about her coming back. He just said to tell you that she was okay and that she asked about you."

That was Kylie, always worried about others before she worried about herself. The girl was an idiot. Well, not an idiot. She was just one of those really caring people. Sort of like the damn shape-shifter Della was having lunch with.

Della dipped her spoon into the onion soup. "Well, if he knows where she is, then I can just go and bring her back."

"Kidnap her?" he asked.

"If I have to, yeah. She belongs at Shadow Falls with Miranda and me."

Steve chuckled. "You're not serious," he said.

"The hell I'm not," Della snapped. "Kylie's coming home and that's all there is to it."

* * *

Home. Della felt it as she landed outside the fence at Shadow Falls about thirty minutes later. Funny, how the place had started to feel that way. Of course, maybe that was to be expected when she no longer belonged with her parents.

Steve landed and transformed. "We should go to the front."

"No." She pulled out her phone. "I'm calling Burnett and telling him I'm here, then I'm jumping the fence. I just want to go to my cabin and relax ... I don't want to be interrogated right now."

She wanted to have time to regroup in her head.

Burnett answered on the second ring. "Where are you?"

"We're here. Right outside the fence on the east side of the property."

"Good. We're having dinner now. Why don't you come over? There's a surprise."

"I'm tired. Not in the mood for surprises. I just want to take a shower and relax. Can we talk tomorrow?"

"Are you okay?" His tone grew dark, concerned.

"I'm fine," she growled.

When she hung up, Steve started walking over to her. She watched the way he moved, like a lion, lithe and with purpose. He stopped right in front of her and brushed a strand of hair back behind her ear. "You know, I kind of don't want to go back. I liked it just being you and me."