In cosmology, they call it divine polarity. Light can't exist without the dark to give it life. Dark can't exist without the light to balance it. We're opposites in every way—the growly billionaire and the bubbly model, the bossy daddy and his bratty baby girl—yet we're equals in every way one can be equal. Polarity. He balances me. I bring him to life.
He's bringingmeto life right now. Somehow, when his eyes are on me, I feel bold in ways I never have before. He makes me feel invincible and so damnhot. He makes me feel beautiful too. As a model, I hear it a lot, but I never cared what anyone else thought about me or my body or the way I look. I model because I'm good at it, because it gives me the opportunity to see the world.
I care what Blaze thinks. For him, Iwantto be beautiful.
"Now," he says, pure wickedness stamped across every line of his face, "Are you going to tell me what you want me to do to you, or do you need me to fuck the truth out of you, little one?"
I know what he wants, but I don't give it to him. What's the fun in that?
"You can do whatever you want to do to me, daddy," I whisper instead. "I promise I won't tell."
Chapter Seven
"Fuck," I growl, staring down at Georgia. My dick literally throbs at the innocent expression on her face, at the mischief in her voice. Eighteen different competing desires run through my head in a parade of hedonistic gluttony. I almost don't know where to start. Until she exhales and those cherry nipples rise with the motion.
I dip my head, wrapping my tongue around one.
Her back bows off the bed, a little cry of surprise echoing around the room.
Ah, God. Playing with her is going to kill me, I already know it. She's so responsive, so curious and eager to learn what heights she can reach. She's so damn innocent, reaching for something she senses but doesn't entirely understand. She senses how good she can feel but doesn't know how to get herself there.
I bite her nipple, dragging it through my teeth.
"Daddy!" she moans, her hands flying to my hair.
"You like that?"
I smile, a wholly wicked smile. God, the things I'm going to teach this girl. If loving her sends me to hell, so be it. I'll go with a fucking smile on my face and a spring in my step, riding her the whole goddamn way.
"I want to see how good you can be for daddy," I murmur, sliding my hands down her arms to her hands. I wrap my fingers around her delicate wrists, pulling her arms up over her head. "Lock them around the slats in the headboard, baby girl. Don't move them unless daddy says you can. Understand?"
"Y-yes," she says. Her breathing picks up speed, excitement dilating her eyes. She grips the headboard so tightly her knuckles turn white.
"Relax, baby girl. Don't hurt yourself," I croon, kissing my way down her arm. It trembles beneath my touch, her whole body quivering. God, she's responsive. I nip at the soft skin of her elbow.
She giggles when my beard tickles the inside of her arm. I file that reaction away for later.
"Let's get this shirt off you," I say, wrapping my hands in the thin fabric. It doesn't take much force to rip it. I watch in satisfaction as it tears right down the center, ensuring she can't ever wear it again. It's too goddamn sexy.
"You ripped my costume."
"Mmhmm," I hum, peeling it off her. Her bra goes next. She has to release the headboard for me to get it off her, but immediately puts her hands back where they belong. I reward her by sucking on her nipple until she's shaking.
Her body is my new playground. I explore every inch of it with my lips and tongue, painting kisses across her ribcage, licking a trail down the feminine swell of her belly and the curve of her waist. The little roll right there makes me crazy. It's so goddamn sexy. She may be young, but there is no mistaking her for a girl, not with curves like this.
"Oh," she gasps, when I catch the soft skin of belly between my teeth and then suck hard. Her body trembles beneath my touch, her thighs cinching together.
I release her skin with a pop, growling when I see the mark I left behind. "Now everyone will know what daddy's been doing to you," I murmur, lifting my gaze to hers. "There's no hiding it now." Not that there was a chance of that to begin with. Now that she's mine, I don't plan to keep my hands off her.
When she sees the mark, her bright, happy smile sends my soul flying.
"Lift your hips." I hook my fingers into the sides of her skirt and wait for her to obey before tugging it down. I take her little boy-shorts with it, leaving her bare to my gaze.
She cants her legs inward, shyly trying to hide herself from me.