I glance over my shoulder, searching for him in the crowd. I see a flash of his dark head before he disappears from view.
Fine, then. Two can play this game.
I continue down the street, pretending to look at various shops until I come to the next alley. As soon as I do, I quickly dart down it, laughing to myself. Within seconds, I'm wedged in a boarded-up doorway, hidden from view of the street.
I hold my breath, waiting.
It doesn't take long for my husband to come looking for me. Less than thirty seconds after I hide, I hear his heavy steps stomping down the alleyway, searching for me.
"Caitlin," he growls. "Are you back here?"
I bite my lip, refusing to answer.
He stalks closer, and then closer.
I wait until he's practically on top of me and then jump out in front of him. "Hi, handsome."
"Jesus Christ." He rears back in shock, his eyes wild.
I smirk at him. "Like my hiding spot?"
He doesn't give me a chance to say anything else. In two seconds, I'm in his arms, and he's got me pressed up against the wall, his mouth against mine.
"You hid from me," he snarls, biting my bottom lip.
"You hid first." I grab his cock, already ripping through his button, eager to touch him, to feel him coming apart for him. "Turnabout, husband."
He growls wordlessly, shoving his hand inside my pants.
I bite his lip to stifle my cries as he immediately sets to work, trying to make me come apart. I'm so wet already, so needy…
"I should spank this perfect little pussy," he growls. "You aren't supposed to hide from me."
"If you don't like it, why is your cock so hard, Lachlan?" I pull it out, squeezing as I stroke from root to tip. "You have me all to yourself back here. No one can see us…"
He'll never admit it, but he loves the thrill as much as I do.
"Fuck," he snarls, plunging two fingers inside me.
I come instantly, biting his shoulder to stifle my cries.
"That's it," he breathes. "Come all over my fucking hand, wife."
I do. God, I can't help it. There's something about the fact that this man follows me that's always made me crazy. Knowing that he loves me this much, that he's this crazy about me…I love it so damn much.
I jerk him off in rough pulls, trying to get him there, but he bats my hand away, refusing to let me. "Nu-uh. I'm not coming until I'm breeding this tight little pussy, Caitlin."
I whimper his name, quivering through aftershocks.
He claims my mouth in a hard kiss. "Consider me getting you pregnant again an early Christmas present, pretty baby."
"Wish granted," I whisper against his lip.
He freezes, his entire body going completely still. And then a tremor works its way through him. "What?"
"Wish granted, Lachlan," I say again.
"You're pregnant?"
I nod, tears welling in my eyes. "Yes."
"Jesus Christ." He drags me into his arms, holding me like he's never going to let me go.
"I love you so damn much," he whispers, kissing all over face.
I know he does. When he said he was going to give me everything on my list, he meant it. Every single day for five years, he's given me so much damn love I can't breathe through it. And now, he's giving me another baby, too.
Even though we're in the middle of an alley in Seattle, with his dick out and my juices all over his fingers…it's the perfect Christmas.