Jess:you’re joking
Tyler:Wait, really? Is it a romance?
Logan:i can’t believe we get to witness this for free
Jess:actually we’re paying a lot to witness this
Logan:shut up jess
Jess:rosie are you fucking with us
I rolled my eyes and punched my response into my phone.
Rosie:no. i wish. we have to write a romantic story without the hea (??) so it’s pretty much a guarantee that the devil’s henchman is going to make us kill off a character
Logan:can we pls only refer to aiden as the devil’s henchman
Logan changed the name of the group chat toaiden=devil’s henchman.
Tyler:Are you okay Rosie?
I paused, letting the anger wash over me. In all honesty, I didn’t know if I was okay. I was embarrassed by my childish behavior. I was mad I’d have to interact with Aiden more than two times a week now. And I was beyond worried that this wouldn’t work, and I’d ruin any chance of becoming a better writer and finishing a book.
I closed my eyes for a moment and tried my best to picture my parents’ faces when they’d found out I was accepted into the program. Dad’s face had opened in shock, but my mom had had a knowing grin, like she wasn’t surprised. The reminder of their belief in me settled my beating heart.
Rosie:i’ll be fine
I put my phone on silent and slipped it once again into my back pocket. I wouldn’t disappoint my parents, and I wouldn’t disappoint myself. And more importantly, I wouldn’t let Aiden Huntington get in my way.
“I never knew you could be nice. Are you sure you didn’t pay them to poison this?” She eyed the cup of coffee in front of her suspiciously. She even had the audacity to pull off the lid and lift it to her nose, inhaling.
“If I did, those are poisonous fumes,” I replied, sipping my own cup. “But, no, I didn’t. Believe it or not, Maxine, I can be nice.”
“Sure.” She snorted.
“Most people say thank you.”
“Fine. Thank you.” She paused. “I guess you can be nice. Sometimes.”
“I’m actually nice most of the time.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
“Just shut up and drink your coffee, Maxine.”
“There’s that nice guy charm.”
— Excerpt fromUntitledby Rosie Maxwell and Aiden Huntington
Since I was the romance expert, it was on me to write the first chapter. Initially, I’d tried to bully Aiden into writing it, but an evil glint appeared in his eye, and I could practically see the morbidity and angst rolling around in his brain. I couldn’t trust him to write a meet cute that didn’t turn into amurdercute.
I wanted the perfect story with the perfect characters to wash over me. Then, I’d sit elegantly in front of my laptop, gracefully typing out the best first draft of a first chapter ever to be written.
That did not happen.
I was walking around the Village, trying to find any source of inspiration around me. I loved Bleeker Street; when I was a little girl, I’d always dreamed I would live in this area. I’d live in a brownstone and wake up to the sounds of sirens and cars, and I’d go to a bakery on the corner for breakfast each day. I hadn’t known what New York was really like, of course, and my apartment in the East Village was nothing like I had imagined. But walking down Bleeker now reminded me of how badly I wanted this life.