“It helps that the new handler sends weekly photos and videos, and Tripwire can keep up.”
She laid her hand over her heart. “Now, isn’t that a kindness?”
“It is, yes, ma’am. And if Mojo and I are a good fit. I’ll make sure that Enrico stays part of Mojo’s life that same way.”
Iris patted Levi’s arm. “Here’s where we like to have breakfast. We tend to have our biggest meal in the mornings, a European-styled menu. It’s comfortable to be out here that time of day, and the landscape is pretty with the sun coming up. Just let the cook know in the evening what you want and what time you want it. Fill out this form with your room number and leave it in this box.” She moved toward a set of double doors. “You said you didn’t have a dog when you left? I didn’t know that was a thing.”
Levi reached forward to snag the handle to hold the door for Iris. “Like Enrico, I traded out dogs regularly. No time to bond.”
“Oh, now that’s not true, is it? I’ve seen it time and again when we’ve helped out on the puppy side of Enrico’s training.” Iris swept her hand to indicate the room. “Our lounge. Games and books on the shelves. Our bar is do-it-yourself and honor system.” She pointed at a box near the array of bottles. “Anyway, the soldiers from Etosha come in to get matched with their dog. Enrico watches to see their reactions to each other. He wants the two of them to look at each other and make an instant connection. That’s the way it was when I met my husband. He was just standing there in the library. He turned to me, and I thought, ‘Oh, there he is.’ Yup, he was mine. We were fated to be together.” She smiled at Craig as he led Goose and Reaper into the lounge.
Yeah, Levi had that same experience but a very different outcome. Tess. She had been on his mind so much these last few days. He’d been tempted to look her up and just see how her life was unfolding. But he knew that Tess in Abraham’s arms with smiling pictures of their anniversary would shoot a hole in his heart. Better to distract himself with finding his dog.
Iris turned to him. “You married, Levi?”
“No, ma’am.” He slid his hands into his pockets. “I haven’t had that privilege.”
“Hmm, well, who knows,” she popped her brows, “Gwen and you might catch eyes. I could see you getting along just fine.”
Levi didn’t offer a response. And Iris didn’t seem to need one.
“No smoking on the premises,” Craig said as they joined Iris and Levi. “It’s the dry season. We don’t need a bushfire.”
Chapter Eight
Metz Winery, Namibia
Enrico turned the corner and climbed the stairs to the breakfast veranda with a hand in the air as his greeting.
“Good morning,” Iris sang out. “Have you had coffee yet? Had breakfast?”
“I could do with both.” He smiled.
As Levi rounded the table to greet his friend, Enrico wrapped Iris in a hug, speaking over her shoulder. “I see you met my buddy, Levi. It always shocks me what a small world it truly is.”
When Iris stepped out of the way, Levi was grinning ear to ear as he and Enrico wrapped each other in a bear hug. “Aw man, it’s been entirely too long. I had no idea how old you were getting.”
Enrico released his grasp and clapped a hand on Levi’s shoulder. “Who did you bring with you?” He scanned the table.
“Enrico, this is Reaper, our head trainer.”
Reaper rose, reaching across the table for a shake.
With a bladed hand, Levi indicated the other end of the table. “Goose, the Cerberus vet for Team Alpha.”
Goose raised a hand, then swiped a napkin over his mouth.
“Glad to meet you both.” Enrico turned to find Levi looking expectantly toward the door.
“Mojo’s here?”
“I thought it would be best if you meet him on the playing field with a bite suit on.” Enrico checked his watch. “We don’t need to be out there quite yet.”
“Sit yourself down,” Iris pulled a chair for him. “Craig and I were just getting to know these fine men from Iniquus.” She turned her head and called, “Channelle, we have one more for breakfast. It’s Enrico, and he’s brought his big appetite.”
“Yes, ma’am,” the voice floated back into the dining room.