Page 58 of Sheltering Instinct

The music changed, and once again, Levi was twirling the rope seamlessly and effortlessly through his dance routine.

Gwen grabbed Tess’s hand, shooting a quick look in Tess’s direction. “Look at him! How is it you’re not drooling?”

You can’t drool when your heart stops beating.

Gwen turned her attention back to Levi without needing an answer.

Now Tess was looking at the back of Gwen’s head as Gwen said, “So there's nothing there anymore. You're sure? It's okay with you if I see if he's interested in getting to know me?”

“I don't understand why you would ask me such a question.”

“You obviously used to be a thing back in college.”

“When I was in college, I married Abraham. I was a loyal married woman. That's all you need to know about my past relationships.”

Knowing Gwen couldn’t see her line of focus, Tess watched Levi showing the children how to do one of his moves and said, “I have loved deeply, and I have lost profoundly. I don't think my heart will ever be whole enough to love anyone else.”

“Yeah, I’m not so sure about that.” Gwen turned to her. “If there isn't something there, why do you act that way around him?”

Tess forced herself to turn away and drop a curtain on her emotions. “What way?”

“I don't know.” Gwen peered at Tess. “Cowed? Ashamed? Vulnerable? Maybe the right word is fragile.”

“You're misreading my emotions.”

Gwen reached out to lay a hand on Tess’s arm. “Then help me understand. Can I help?”

“I'm grieving. You’re seeing me feeling grief for my loss. It bubbles up to overwhelm me at times. All I can do is move through it.”

“I sometimes forget that you were widowed. That's,” she shook her head, “not fathomable to me. That seems like something for much older people. But your husband died like ten years ago.” She squeezed Tess’s arm. “Not to diminish the pain of your loss, but still, there's hope for the future to feel brighter.”

Was it okay for her to let Gwen believe that these feelings were for Abraham?

Did it matter?

Grief was grief.

What Tess decided to say was, “Back in college, Levi was on a gymnastics scholarship. Go ask him to do a dance on that dog rope and see what he can do. It’s amazing.” She stood. “I’m going to go grab a hat for Etosha. You should go enjoy the talented Levi Elliot.”

Chapter Nineteen


They were leaving the vineyard just after lunch for a day testing Mojo’s field skills.

Enrico had invited the others.

Levi wasn’t sure he was glad that the Metz family and Tess had accepted.

But here they were. All of them.

“The plan is to watch Mojo do a search and rescue mission, then at dusk go see the animals in the park.” Enrico stood by the open park vehicle as the group piled in.

Levi loaded Mojo into the cargo area then rounded to the vehicle to find everyone already seated and Gwen patting the seat beside her.

Doors shut, buckled, and engine running, Enrico glanced over his shoulder, “Gwen, your mom told me you’re working with the effects of weather on feeding human populations. We’re in a bad stretch here. Starvation for man and beast is a real possibility. If you’re still on for a drive through Etosha at sunset, would you and Tess mind if one of my commanders came with us? You can see the animals, and we can pick your brains?”

“Talk about the weather?” Craig put on his ball cap and adjusted the bill. “Nothing makes Gwen happier.”