“Why?” Levi asked,
“Her wound seems stable, and anti-venom has its own risks.”
Levi opened his hands. “Like?”
“People who have allergic reactions to the anti-venom can go into anaphylactic shock, and there’s the potential that they would die. This is why anti-venom is only administered in the hospital.”
Anaphylaxis. And death.
Hearing that was a gut punch.
“If it was a dry bite—a bite where no venom is released—then we do not wish to stress her system further,” he explained. “The good news is, I don’t see any redness or swelling. Of concern is that the fang marks are larger than we’d expect. It means that it is an older, larger snake that could put the venom deep within her gastrocnemius.”
Levi wrapped a hand behind his neck. “That means?”
“We might miss something by observation alone. The lab results will give us another piece of information.”
“But it'spossibleit was a dry bite.” Levi pinned his hopes there.
“Studies put the chances of a dry bite at around fifty-fifty. That, of course, depends on the species. We don’t have good clinical data about zebra cobras. The nurses are attentive, and I have asked them to inform you once the labs are up. This should be very soon.”
“Thank you,” Levi said.
With a nod, the doctor went inside.
Alone again, Enrico turned to Goose. “So what do you think? What’s our game plan?”
“Why don’t you two head home, and I’ll hang back?” Levi suggested. “Someone needs to be here to advocate for Tess. A friend’s face might be helpful if they need to give her some bad news.”
Enrico stood and raised his hand as a car drove in and parked under the light. “That’s my staff. I need to get back and file a report. And that needs to be in place before the morning meeting so our personnel at Etosha know about this and can be vigilant.”
“Goose and Mojo could go with you if you don’t mind leaving the park vehicle with me.”
Levi didn’t know what to do with the sensations coursing through his body. He had never wanted to see Tess again, butnow that he had, Levi felt the internal conflict. Even though his wounds were raw again, Levi also knew he couldn’t leave her side. Not while she was endangered.
Before they landed on a plan, a nurse poked her head out the door. “America?”
Levi turned. “Yes.”
“Miss Tess would like to see you all if that is all right.”
Chapter Fifteen
The men let themselves into her hospital room.
Her first question was, “Where’s Mojo?”
“He stayed with Enrico’s colleague in their vehicle,” Goose told her.
Levi didn’t say anything, not even hi.
Dressed in a hospital gown, there was an IV flowing saline into her veins.
As the team found places to stand, Tess looked from one to the other. My god, what feats of strength and courage they’d displayed today. Following a signal, racing up a mountainside, applying their skills, then getting her down and to the hospital, it was a miracle.
They were a miracle.