His eyes flash with flames that are there and gone. It’s a blink, but I’m confident I see them. He promises, “In time.”
“Hades.” His name is a protest. “Why won’t you let me know you?”
“Because you still think you’re leaving me come September.”
My lips part, and I watch as his eyes hone in on themovement. It’s predatory and enthralling. A flush of heat blooms just under the surface of my skin. Tingles of need spark deep within the depths of my core.
“I have to leave, Hades.”
“I can’t just stay. It doesn’t work like that.” Another arc of lightning, another crack of thunder. Noc looses a doggy huff, and the girls stand to circle the hot tub, but I don’t tear my eyes from Hades. “It’s not that simple.”
“Tell me what is so complicated, and I’ll uncomplicate it.” He speaks with such certainty. As though there is no other alternative.
I sigh. “Hades.”
He catches me around the back of the neck, but he doesn’t pull me up against his hard chest. Instead, he dips his head low, the fire in his breath warming my cool skin. “Tell me, Persephone, what is so complicated?”
“My parents. I’m here on a visa. I have no means to support myself, and I can’t rely on you—on a man I only just met—to care for me.” I huff, annoyed. “The list goes on.”
“You are a young woman making a life for yourself. Your parents not only need to accept that fact, but should do so happily, because as your parents, they should be eager to support you and your dreams. Your visa is not an issue, there are ways around that. And asfor accepting my support, for relying on me, why can’t you?”
His grip on my neck tightens on a pulse even as he rises once again to his full, overbearing height. Towering over me. “I would be happy to support you, Persephone. In any way that keeps you with me.”
“You think that now but—but what happens when you decide you’re done with me? That you’ve matured beyond me? That I can’t offer you the things you need or want? What then?”
“That won’t happen.” Again, he speaks with such confidence.
I wet my lips, my belly clenching at the dark desire that twists the shadows in his eyes. “You can’t know that. You’re a man. You have all this life experience under your belt and I havenone. You know exactly who you are, while I—I don’t know myself at all.”
“I would like nothing more than to watch you learn the woman you are.” He speaks low, his chin dipped into his chest as I look up at him. I am helpless to do anything but draw his breaths into my very lungs. “Even better, I would take the utmost pleasure in helping you discover the woman you are, and thethingsyou like.”
I can’t ignore the wicked light that illuminates the shadows in his eyes with flame as I scoot to the edge of my seat, closer to him. “Then let me learn.” I hold his eyes with my own, daring him to reject me this time. “Let me learn you, Hades. Let me see you. Let me touch you.” I think I hear his breath hitch. It powers me on, and I lift my hands from the water to curl my fingertips into the band of his shorts, but I don’t pull.
With my eyes and with my voice, I beg, “Let me pleasureyou.”
She looks sosmall as she peers through thick golden lashes up at me. Her lips tremble even as she bites down on her plump bottom lip. With her fingertips dipping into the band of my shorts, she is the definition of temptation and innocence.
I want to be her ruin. I want to be the destruction that has her transforming from girl to Goddess. I hunger for it. For the wreckage of her innocence that will pave the way for her final transformation.
I wanted her heart and soul before Iallowed for this moment, but as I gaze down at her now, all I feel is burning hunger. Vicious need.
My muscles are strained as I drop my hold around the back of her neck, fisting my hands at my sides. She waits, imploring me with warm emerald eyes I am helpless to deny.
“Hades…” My name on her lips shakes. “Please.”
“Take me out of my shorts,” I rasp.