I flinch. “No.”
Hades sighs. “Then why did you go to see Herman at his clinic with Minthe?”
For a moment, I’m stunned speechless. “You know about that?” Just asking the question has a bloom of red shame heating my skin. Emotion pricks in my eyes. “I—nothing came of it.”
“Why did you go?”
I glare at him through my lashes. “You don’t already know?”
“I want to hear it from you, Persephone.” When I don’t speak, Hades lifts his other hand to grip my face between tender hands that are capable of complete destruction. “I would like it if you could trust me enough to let me inside.”
“But you already know…” I don’t want to have to speak the words. Speaking them makes everything so much more real. So much more devastating. So terribly tragic.
“Trust me,” Hades begs.
I crack. Emotion, thick with sorrow, pours from meas I whisper, “I went because I’ve been seeing things—things that aren’t real. I—hoped maybe there was something growing in my brain. Something that could explain all the—” I shake my head, slamming my eyes closed to sever the softness I see in his. “Something that could explain away my crazy. Something that could maybe be cut out.”
“Persephone,” he breathes my name, but I can’t make myself look at him. I can’t make myself see the pity I know is there in his eyes. His thumbs brush away the tears that leak from my eyes. “There is a reason you are seeing the things you see.”
“There isn’t, though.” I force my eyes open to look at Hades. At the man I’m falling so desperately in love with. A violent sob quakes my body. “Herman foundnothing.”
Hades toldme to pack an overnight bag as he made a call. I took my time, feeling sluggish with the grief that I was falling for a man my mind wasn’t truly free to love. I never imagined that love could be this painful. I don’t know why I thought it would be anything else, honestly. Love has been painted in tragic colors since the very beginning of time.
My heart feels heavy as I find Hades in the living room, looking out over the beautiful view.
He senses me, saying nothing as he turns. In the spill of light from the golden sun, he looks like a dark angel coming to claim my heart and soul. My heartthunders and breaks as he stalks closer, taking my hand in his. His big hand swallows mine. It’s kind of like how everything about him swallows me. Devours me. Feasts on all that I have to offer—and I offer it willingly. I wish he would just take the little that lingers. Steal it. Steal my ability to deny that which I long for above and beyond all else.
I almost wish he was that dark angel. That he would ravish the innocence that remains within me, devouring it. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel so guilty. Because if he stole my ability to choose, I could be with him without shame. Without the guilt of knowing that he deserves more, better.
If he just stole me like Hades stole Persephone so long ago—maybe I could let myself love him.
“Come.” Even his voice feels dark as it washes over my skin, pebbling every inch with gooseflesh.
I follow him into the elevator, and we ride it in silence. I want to ask where he is taking me, but I don’t. My mind is still replaying our earlier conversation. He knows I’m mentally unstable and yet he looks at me with the same desire that he looks at me always.
It should be impossible. He should be wary of me—unsettled by me.Because I am.
The doors slide open and a deep bark jolts me. Noc, followed closely by Prim and Jas, bound across the club. Behind them, moving slowly in sky-high heels, silver slacks, and a black blouse, is Leuce. Behind Leuce, I see Minthe sitting on the bar, kicking her feet.
I drop to my knees as a sob catches in my throat. My arms instantly close around Noc as he skids to a stop, scootching closer until his muscular doggy chest connects with mine. I squeeze, not afraid at all that he won’t like it. Against my chest, his echoes with a deep doggy growl of pleasure. I kiss his snout. “I missed you.”
Prim whines high, her booty wagging with the force of her whip-like tail. “You too, girl. Come here.”
I don’t have to tell Prim twice, giving her the same love as I gave Noc. When I turn to Jas, I don’t have to tell her to come for her lovin’. She’s already there, her head butting into mine. I tell the pups, “Don’t let your daddy take you away from me without a proper goodbye ever again.”
As though he understands me far clearer than he should, Noc’s dark eyes sway to Hades. A low, borderline menacing growl rumbles from his chest. The girls stop their booty wags, sitting sentry next to Noc who still guards me.
Hades’ mouth twitches, but he doesn’t smile. His eyes sweep over his dogs to me, still on my knees with the pups, before he looks to Leuce. His jaw is hard as his eyes fall to her black blouse. Unlike all her other blouses that are, to some degree translucent, this one, like the blouses she’s worn all week, is solid black in color.
“I’m fine,” Leuce assures, and mybrows draw together.
Hades pulls in a breath that swells his chest. “Thank you for getting them for me.”