“I know.”
“Of the past.Herpast.” Leuce implores me to understand with sharp eyes of faded green. “She was drowned in the Lethe, but she is remembering. It should be impossible.”
“If she is remembering…” Hecate whispers, failing to finish her thought.
I can’t focus on Hecate right now. Right now, my thoughts are on the fact Minthe, a trusted friend, brought the woman I love to the man who, in part, held responsibility for her previous murder. “What does Hermes have to do with this?”
“He scanned her body for any illness.”
“She is not ill. I would scent it if she were.” I feel my nose wrinkle as I growl, “We all would.”
“The scan showed something. Something we’ve never seen before.”
Something snaps inside me. Something dark and dangerous. Something deadly.
The God ripples under my flesh, before splitting it. Leuce gasps as long talons bite into the flesh of her arms as I grip her tightly. My long fangs push atmy upper lip as the black of my God’s form emerges from the flesh that contains him. My vision sharpens as I take my original form, the form I possessed upon birth. Leuce’s pulse flutters under her flesh, voice rattling with fear as her eyes flash wide.
“Hades,” Hecate calls, but it’s distant. I pay it little mind.
“What did he find?”
She shakes her head, whimpering, “I don’t know.”
My grip tightens. The strength I possess in this form could easily tear her into shreds. I’ve done it before, lost to a rage.
It’s been so long.
My nostrils flare, scenting the Phlegethon and the evil that resides beyond its flaming gates of liquid magma into the bowels of Tartarus. To the souls so evil and corrupt in their human lives, that evilness clings to their souls even in death, rancid. The acrid pull of sins so vile is undeniable.
“You’re burning me, Hades,” Leuce cries. My eyes drift down to where my hands—my claws—lock around her arms. The skin is washed in the red of a fiery burn, blistery bubbles already oozing under my touch.
I uncurl my claws, turn, and run toward the Phlegethon. Diving into the scorching abyss, I swim for the heart of Tartarus.
It’s been so long.So long since I took the reins of torture into my hand.
I wipethe sweat from my brow as I stand, stretching my hands high above my head as I straighten my spine. Beside me, Willa groans as she does the same. “Girl, no one told me this would be so exhausting.” Her back pops, and she moans loudly. “Ahh, so good.” Her eyes slide to me when I chuckle. “How are things with you and the sexy billionaire?”
I shrug. “He’s been tense. I think something is happening with work.”
“Why do you think that?”
“He hasn’t beenhome in almost a week.”
“So, you’re just staying there…” She lets her words drift, eyes widening. “Without him?”
I shrug. “I don’t know what to do. I keep waiting for him to come back. I’ve made dinner every night this week, but he’s no-showed.”
Her brows draw together. “Do you have a number for him?”
I nod. “I’ve texted him a few times.” I’ve texted him more than a few times. I’ve called, too. I’ve gotten nothing but silence.