Power radiates from Hades. It’s a kind of power that feels so massive, it doesn’t feel human. “Do you intend to tell them?”

Why does his question somehow feel as though it’s been coated in a threat?

Herman shifts in the chair beside me. I feel as though I am between two very dangerous predators. One move, and I’ll be slayed.

I remain still and quiet.

Finally, Herman speaks, “My silence comes with a price.”

Hades grunts.

Herman continues, “I wish to return home, as well.”

“It was never your home.”

“You stole my purpose when you banished me.”

Hades’ fist connects with the table hard. Glasses rattle and I jump. His hand curls tighter on my thigh. “You brought her into my—house.”

“I didn’t know she was going to do what she did.”

Hades uncurls and curls his fist. The silence pulses between them for a long moment, making me dizzy with fear. I have no idea what is happening. Hades asks low, “How many times did you do it?”

Herman frowns. “What?”

“How many times did you bring her into my house without my knowledge?”

“I—” Herman shakes his head. “Why are you asking?”

“How many times?” Hades grits between clenched teeth. I have never been more lost. More confused.

What is going on?

“Twice before that—before the last.”

“What did she do?”

“She saw—” Herman’s eyes flick to me and back to Hades. “She wanted to see her.”

“It wasn’t her time,” Hades growls low. “There was a deal for a reason.”

“I am sorry, Hades. I have been sorry for a very long time.” Herman casts his eyes downward. “I have paid my penance.”

“I don’t trust you,” Hades growls low. “If it weren’t for you, none of it would have happened.”

“You know that’s not true. She is resourceful. She would have found another way.”

“You want your job back?” Hades demands. Herman nods once. “Keep what you know to yourself. Prove to me you can be trusted again to move within the boundaries ofmyhome.” Hades pulls me to stand at his side. “There is a war brewing, Herman. One she started a long time ago. You don’t want to find yourself on the wrong side.”

Herman bows his head quick, before casting his gaze back up at Hades. “You’re going to destroy everything for her.”

“Sheset all that will come to pass in motion.”

Herman shakes his head. “They will end you, Uncle.”

Hades shakes his head. “Not this time.”

Hades begins to pull me from the table when Herman calls, “You’re the guest of honor, Hades. You can’t leave.”