I beg, “Hades…”
“Not tonight.” He sounds pained. “Not yet.”
I want to weep. I don’t understand.
He growls a sound that comes from so deep inside of him, it’s almost frightening. He’s on the edge, and I sense that I shouldn’t push him.
I just can’t seem to stop myself.
I roll my hips again, gasping when his hips jerk in response and he fits his tip at my entrance. A spike of heat prickles every inch of my skin. Something burns in my eyes as I stare into the inferno that blazes in his. And, yes, I know I’m mad. Utterly insane. Because this isn’t a play on words. There is a literal inferno ablaze in the deep of his dark eyes. I see it as clearly as I see the stars that wink in the sky.
He stiffens. If it weren’t for the sway of his feet keeping us afloat, we wouldn’t be moving at all.
I hold my breath as he sits with his tip notched, ready to plunge. He’s holding me so tight; I can’t possibly shift my hips right now. If he enters me, it will be because he wants to be there.
“Hades.” His name is a plea. I should be ashamed, but I’m not.
I’ve never been more ready for something in all my life.
“Not tonight.” He still doesn’t move.
I whimper. My core aches.
I ask again, “Why?”
The words fall from his lips as pained as any confession. “Becauseyoudon’t knowme.”
“What do you mean,I don’t know you?” He allows me to push away from him just enough to allow a sliver of cool water to slide between our heated bodies. “Of course, I know you.”
“You know only what I’ve allowed you to see.”
“I don’t understand.”
He winces. It’s small, but there.
My heart begins to race for an entirely different reason. When he doesn’t speak, I call hesitantly, “Hades?”
“There is a side to me I’ve yet to introduce you to.”
“So,introduce me.”
He shakes his head. The look in his eyes says it’s not that simple, but he promises, “In time.”
His eyes, no longer blazing, drop to my lips when they part. “What does that even mean?”
“It means I want to know that you’re ready for me when I finally let you see.”
“See what?”