Tristan walks into the shadows, returning a moment later with a sawn-off shotgun, pressing his boot down on my good legand putting the muzzle of the shotgun to my already bleeding thigh. I try to look up at him, whatever paralytic drug he gave me has firmly taken over and I lay slouched awkwardly against the bar.
The shot rings out as he pulls the trigger without warning. Pellets rip through bone and muscle as a white hot numbness erupts over my body before I’m consumed by the darkness. Losing my fight with consciousness, knowing I'll sacrifice everything if it keeps Charlie safe.
Chapter 35 - Charlie
Say Something - A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera ?
*Night one without Porter
“Ijust thought he would have contacted me by now,” I say to Nova and Mila as I fill them in on the last couple of days. “We have this thing, well, he has this thing. Every night we stay together. Every night no matter what happens.”
I say it so softly I'm not sure they can even hear me. Like I’m trying to convince myself it was all real and I haven't just made it all up in my head.
Every night why hasn't he called?
My phone vibrates in my pocket and I quickly retrieve it, disappointment flooding my emotions when I see the message notification is from Mel.
Porter messaged that he's closed the bar. That he’s renovating?
I went by to see what was going on but everything was locked up. I heard banging and swearing inside?
Shit, I’m sorry. We're kind of going
through a thing right now.
I guess that makes sense then.
Are you both alright?
I think we will be.
“That was Mel, Porters closed the bar.”
I can barely feign optimism right now as both Mila and Nova look at each other, wincing slightly over the reality of things getting worse, not better.
Ragnar's head rests on my legs as I sit on the floor trying to make sense of everything that's happened, wondering if I did the right thing.
I'm just giving him some space. Just letting him have some time before he comes back to me.
If I say it enough it makes it true, right?
“It's fine. No big deal, right? He just needs a night is all.”
I say the words but I’m still struggling to convince myself of them. I don’t want to obsess about it but I don’t want to ignore it either.
We’ve had a big few days and he just needs some space.
He just needs some space.
Chapter 36 - Charlie