Page 48 of In the Grey of Dawn

“Yeah I get what you're saying, something is off about them. You got any other targets at the moment?”

“There's been a couple of rumours going around about a mechanic who lives just outside of Hallowed Springs but I'll start looking into him once I'm finished here.”

Looking over at Charlie I can see she’s on her phone, the swing door to the toilets left slowly swaying back and forth. We chat some more about the mechanic and the men at the table. Until Hades straightens, stepping out of the shadows and starts running toward the two men.

“Porter! GET YOUR GIRL.”

Everything slows as I hear the sound of a bar stool crashing to the floor, my eyes instantly locking on a man pawing at Charlie.

My Charlie.


I roar. The violent energy rushing from me like an old friend I barely said goodbye to.

Something’s wrong. She knows how to handle herself.

Why isn't she fighting back?

Her movements are sluggish and slow. It's as if her arms and legs aren’t cooperating.

Jumping up, I leave no moment to assess, no time to waste in pulling this man off her. Grabbing him by the back of his neck, I squeeze down as I yank him off her. She sways for a moment, her words slurringnobefore she slowly crumbles to the floor. Her arms seem weighed down as she attempts to drag herself away.

Slamming his head on the bar, I raged, “WHAT DID YOU DO?”

He whimpers under the pressure of my hand as he strains to say she was over-served, but I know.

I know.

She’s had no alcohol tonight. Which leaves only one option.

He drugged her.

He drugged her and now he’ll die for it.

I’ll gut him like the animal he is. Leaving no room for forgiveness.

Pulling my knife from my calf strap, I press my elbow into his temple, holding his head in place as I spread his hand out on the bar top. He screams in pain as I slam the blade through his palm, anchoring him to the bar.

I glance over to Hades who has one man knocked out on the floor and purple shirt man beneath him. His fist pounding into his face over and over.


“Baby? Baby, it's me. I have you. I promise you're safe.”

Her eyes flutter closed as I hold her on the floor and I pray to all the gods she heard me before she lost consciousness.

The sound of the music abruptly stops and the house lights flicker on, grabbing my attention. The grunts of Hades still punching the man's head, the only sound that can be heard.

“What seems to be the problem?” Sheriff Miller asks from behind the bar, his hand resting near the speaker system, a shiver running through me as I try to figure out how much he witnessed.

Chapter 29 - Porter

“Please, please help me! They attacked my friend and me for no reason. Please, I need an ambulance. Help me!”

The man wails as my trusty knife holds him in place, stuck to the bar like a pig on a spit.

Taking a slow turn of the room, Sheriff Miller walks past Hades who is now sitting next to purple shirt man, his head resting back as he catches his breath. The caved in skull of the man most likely staining my wooden floors.