I can hear Attila's soft whining coming from the side of us, and I'm overcome with the need to be with him. To comfort him as best I can until I can get him help.

I take the last step I need to so I'm now standing directly in front of Trevor, my tormentor, my own version of the devil. I reach out and hold his shoulder to steady him, the life slowly fading from his eyes. There's panic in there now, the certainty that this is the end for him. Bringing my switchblade up, I anchor the tip of it into his chest, right where his heart is trying desperately to pump the little blood he has left in his body.

Pulling on his shoulder I bring him closer, and I can feel the blade push through his chest like a hot knife through butter. He tries to grab at me but his arms are not working properly anymore, and he's only succeeded in rubbing more blood around. This is my goodbye to him. My blade held firmly in his chest as I squeezed his body into mine, the handle bruising as it presses into me.

His strength wavers and he falls from my hold, crumbling in a heap to the ground. His face is looking up toward the night sky and I can see his eyes become vacant as life slowly slips away from him. I thought I would feel angry or sad. Something to signify everything that happened between us was over. Instead, I feel nothing, no hate or fear, the last of his life fluttering away and he's suddenly become nothing more than shit on my boot.

“You're nothing,'' I say venomously, as I stand over him. Attila’s whimpers refocusing my attention to what matters most to me in this moment, and that’s not hanging around to watch this fuck face die.

Taking a final look at him, I can't help but spit the same words he would so often say to me, “Who's the stupid bitch now, Trevor?” and I walk away from him forever, not looking back as I hurry to Attila's side.

“Hey, sweetheart. It's okay. It's just me,”' I coo, Attila's head trying to move in my direction to see who was approaching. Kneeling beside him I run my hands over his body gently, seeing if I can find where he's hurt. “Come on sweetheart, get up for me. We need to go and get help … please Attila, get up,” my voice breaks as emotion starts to peek through. My eyes are starting to water and I can't find where he is hurt.

“Please Attila, move,” I say, my voice strained as I push at his back, the movement causes his front leg to move slightly revealing the faint glimmer of metal.

Trevor's dagger.

Even in death, he's still tormenting me. The dagger is lodged firmly under his front leg, embedded in his chest. Every medical show I've ever seen says to not pull the knife out if you've been stabbed. I don't want to move it in case I do more damage, but at the same time, it feels wrong to leave it there. I don't know what to do? I have no plan that makes sense. I'm not going to leave him and he's too big for me to carry.

“Attila, please. What should I do?” I sob, gently stroking his fur. I'm crying now as I lay down and cuddle in next to him. I can hear his heartbeat over his shallow panting. “It's okay boy, it's okay. I'm safe. You did so well buddy, you saved me. I thinkyou get unlimited treats in doggy heaven for that,” I say, smiling at the thought of him running around as it rains dog treats.

Stroking his back I can hear his heartbeat begin to slow, and I hold him as close as possible without causing him any further pain.

“You're such a good boy Attila. You're the bestest boy ever. I'll never forget you,” I cry into his body, as the last beats of his heart vibrate through his chest and I'm left with nothing but silence.

I can't.

This is all too much.

The years of torment on top of everything that's happened tonight, and now Attila. I can't breathe, my chest is hurting and I can't breathe. I press my face into his fur, seeking out the last of his warmth and comfort. Please help me, someone help me, I think as the panic takes over. My vision fading as I start to hyperventilate, Dante’s face flickering into my mind before the darkness consumes me.

Chapter 42 - Dante

Cover Me Up - Jason Isbell ?

"Iknow where they are,” Ace calls out to me. It feels like he is talking in a tunnel the way his voice echoes around me. Everything has slowed as my brain catches up to my worst nightmare unfolding right before me. Grabbing my chin in one of his hands, Ace pulls my face to his, fingers digging into my cheeks.

“Sort your shit out D, we don't have time for this. I know where they are SO GET YOUR FUCKING ASS IN THE DAMN TRUCK”, he screams in my face and it’s enough of a jolt for everything to start moving at normal speed again.

My legs feel like jelly as I race to the truck, Ace sitting in the driver's seat.

“Where are they?” I gasp, trying to keep my shit together as he pulls out of the motel parking lot, the Sheriff racing to get in his vehicle before following behind us.

“In the meadow. At the house, in the meadow. I saw that big old tree in the background, and seeing there's only a handful on the property I know each one well. That night we went out toinvestigate one of the perimeter sensors going off. That's where they are. It was him out there that night, it has to have been.”

“Just get there Ace. I can't—” my voice breaking as I try to say everything she is to me, everything she has become. “I can't lose her.” Ace nods his head in response, putting his foot firmly down on the accelerator.


Pulling up to the house, we can see there are a few lights on inside, the front door is wide open and Ragnar is going crazy in the kennel. I'm not sure where Attila is but hopefully, he's managed to help our girl in some way.

“No sensors have been triggered in the past 30 minutes anywhere on the property. Do you want to check the house or go straight out to the meadow?”

My mind is like static, there's too many options and too many bad outcomes. Running over to Ragnar, the least I can do is let him out after he's been cooped up all day. He's chomping at the bit trying to get out as I approach the gate.

Quickly, a plan forms. “Get in the truck,” I yell out to Ace, “I'm letting Ragnar out and we will follow him.”

There is a clear tunnel under the fence where Attila has dug his way out, which gives me hope that Mila at least has some sort of backup. There is no way he would just run away, he’s too attached to her not to try and seek her out.