Running a hand through his hair, I'm starting to feel it's not the worst part of it all.

“Ace and I are going to go down there and assist breaching the room. Ace has explosives training and I know a little bit too, but we have more experience than any of the officers down there.”

Everything in me says no to this idea, that it can't be this simple. Trevor is not stupid but I also can't see him getting to the point of making bombs and plotting like a supervillain. There is something we are missing.

I refocus as Dante continues speaking, “Porter will watch you both for the rest of the time you're at the festival and then youwillgo back to Nova’s. I'll come and get you afterwards. Nova has a safe room and a full security system so you will be okay if anything happens. I know I said I wouldn't leave you today, but they have him trapped down there.”


I don't argue, I don’t panic, it makes sense what he's saying. They have the most experience. They have the skills and motivation to disarm him, and I'm confident they won’t let me come with them.

“Can I come—”

“NO,” Dante practically yells. “No, you are not coming with us, it's still not safe for you. Don't let your guard down until I have … until he's in custody,”

“Okay,” I say again as he pulls me into a fierce kiss before he and Ace turn and jog in the direction of the car park. My heart is trying to leap out of my chest as I watch the man I love run off to try and kill the man I hate.

It's been almost an hour since they left and Nova and I have packed up her Range Rover and are ready to go. Porter has given us the same instruction to go straight to Nova's several times, to the point we both started sayingyes dadwhenever he said it. We are both exhausted, and I just want to go home to have a hot bath and go to sleep in my own bed.

“I know I'm breaking the rules when I say this, but can you take me home?”

“You know I'm not allowed to do that, we've been given strict instructions. I actually think Dante will try and kill me if I don't follow them.”

Rolling my eyes, I say, “Let me deal with him, okay? I'm tired and I just want my own bed. Besides, I'll let the dogs out and they can guard me so I won't be alone.”

“Just make sure I have a sea of magnolias at my funeral, okay? And tell Dante not to hurt my face, I like the idea of an open casket,” she says as she takes the turn toward Ace’s house.

“Stop being so dramatic, nothing will happen.”

A few minutes later I'm standing on the front steps of the house, pushing the door open as I wave to Nova leaving down the driveway. The dogs are going crazy, but they are probably hyped up from being in their kennel all day. I go and make sure there's a bottle of wine in the fridge before I get the dogs out. I want it to be as cold as possible before I run a bath. Quicklymaking my way out the front door again, I walk around the side of the house and see a figure standing in the dark.

“You miss me, you stupid fucking bitch?”

My blood turns to ice before a sharp sting hits me across the head and everything starts to fade. My vision comes into focus slightly before I pass out, registering Trevor standing over me, and there's no one to help.

Chapter 40 - Dante

The drive to Woodman took forever. Ace drove because he knew I was on edge and might have taken the winding road down the mountain a little too fast. For the most part, the snow had long melted and the road was clear of all traffic. Everyone was still at the spring festival, so it didn't take as long as it felt. Pulling up to the motel we see three sheriff's vehicles with blue and red flashing lights flickering across the car park. Sheriff Miller is waiting near the room they've breached and the other officers are scattered around.

Not bothering to park the truck correctly, Ace comes to a stop in front of the room and we jump out and head straight for the Sheriff.

“Any changes?” I question.

“No nothing. We're getting some weird feedback coming from the room if we get too close so we're hanging back for now. We have no special equipment, no tools other than the basic things we usually have; and the nearest bomb squad is at least 5 hours away from us. Basically, you're all we have so whatever you need, we will follow your lead,” Sheriff Miller says to Ace.

“I don't have a full kit but I have enough to get us started. I think Dante and I should breach the room and you and your men wait outside. We have a history of working together so it will take less time for us to do what we need than try and bring your staff up to speed.”

“Whatever you need, Ace,” Sheriff Miller says.

Nodding, Ace heads to his truck and opens the back, showing an empty truck bed. Standing beside him, I watch as he removes two small covers, exposing a keypad.

“What the fuck is this,” I mumble, as he works to input the keycode, with a false bottom popping open, like the hood of a car. Lifting the lid shows off several high powered firearms, body armour and a small padded bag that looks like it holds camera lenses. Grabbing a vest he slams it into my chest along with some safety glasses.

“Choose whatever you want to work with. Be ready in two minutes.”

I strap a Glock to my thigh and my preferred Beretta to my hip. I put extra ammo and assorted knives in my vest, before grabbing one of the two M4s. Ace has been setting up what looks like a thick wire with a small light on the end. I can see him plugging it into a small box and turning it on. It looks like a baby monitor and after pressing a few buttons, sets it back down and begins to strap different weapons to himself.

Two hours, thirty-seven minutes, forty-three seconds,