Running for the door, Ace yells out over his shoulder, “I'm going to try and catch up to him. Stay here. Send me any new info.” And just like that he's gone, the sound of his truck starting up and racing down the drive. He's maybe two minutes behind him so there's a chance still.

“Come here, I found something. It's not great but it's something.” Moving over to Mila I can see her hands shaking as she types at my laptop on the dining table. Her voice is strong but I can tell she's on the verge of shutting down. Sitting next to her I can see she's zoomed in on a photo of what looks like a summer party. “This was from maybe 10 months ago, a little before I left. It was his work’s end of summer sale, a BBQ party. That's him there, in the background.”

Pointing at the screen I can see a slimmer version of the man from outside, his hair is shorter and he's dressed preppy, but the eyes, the same dead eyes, stare back at me.

Internally, I’m screaming. He was there, in my grasp and I let him go. I've failed Mila, and let her tormentor slip through my fingers.

“Fuck,” I spit out. Grabbing my phone I take a photo of the screen and message it to Ace. Taking Mila in my arms, I hold her close as her nerve finally breaks, and she sobs into my chest. I hold her until she stops crying and is just shaking in my arms.

“Baby, I'm going to have the dogs sleep inside tonight. I’m going to get them from the kennel and lock up the house. Are you okay here while I do that?”

Pulling her head back slightly so I can see her face, she nods and for the first time, I don't pressure her to say anything more. To get the confirmation I need that she understood what I was saying. Leaving her sitting at the table, I hurry and get everything done that I need to.

Coming back into the kitchen, Mila is no longer sitting at the table. Quickly, I head upstairs to our room, the dogs running ahead of me, to find her curled into a ball on our bed, still in her clothes from earlier.

Sighing, hating the pain this is causing, I move and start undressing her, making sure she has one of my T-shirts on before putting her under the covers with the dogs next to her on the bed.

The quiet of the room is interrupted when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Quickly stopping the buzzing sound, I can see Ace has messaged.


Making sure Mila is asleep, I head downstairs, waiting a few minutes for him to arrive back, surprised when I see the Sheriff's car pull up alongside him.

“Evening Dante, I'd say it was good to see you but it ain't,” Sheriff Miller says gruffly. He looks tired, like he's seen too much in his life. I know the look well, and I'm sad to see a good man like him overtaken by it.

“Come inside, sheriff, let me get you a drink.”

Each of us holding a heavy pour of bourbon, we settle around the dining table after I show them both the most recent photo we have of Trevor, telling them what happened earlier. Sheriff Miller takes off his hat and runs his fingers through his short hair, looking to the ceiling, he says, “We found Phil dead on the roadside. He had been stabbed multiple times and his throat slit. We think Trevor waved him down, pretending that his car had broken down before killing him and taking his place.”

“Wait. Phil? Mailman Phil? What was he doing delivering pizza?”

“He did odd jobs all over town. He won the lottery several years ago and he worked to keep active and social. He had more money than he knew what to do with, so he did what he enjoyed, and he enjoyed this town and the people in it. He was a good soul and didn't deserve to go out like that.”


“Any idea where Trevor's gone? Do you have anything we can use?” I say, looking at both Sheriff Miller and Ace.

“No one has reported any stolen cars, and he was long gone by the time Ace came across Phil on the roadside and could call it in. Wearetrying Dante, but he keeps slipping through. He will make a mistake though and we will be—”

“Damn it, sheriff, that mistake could cost me everything. She's upstairs scared shitless and we're hoping he makes a mistake,” I yell, slamming my glass down on the table.

Ace and Sheriff Miller look at each other for a long while, sharing something unsaid between them.

“D, I know this is hard but we will get him. I'll call in some favours and we will give Mila round the clock security. We will go to ground and see if we can lure him out with a trap.”

“She’s not being fucking bait, Ace,” I snarl.

“We will figure it out. Go up and be there for her now,” he says coming around the table, squeezing my shoulder in reassurance.

“I'm going to have to tell her about Phil,” I say, rubbing both hands over my face, “and I don't know if she can handle it.”

“She's stronger than she looks, Dante. Be honest with her. Nothing good comes from lying,” Sheriff Miller says, tipping his hat to us both before making the slow walk toward the front door.

With heavy shoulders, I make my way upstairs. Sliding into bed, careful not to disturb her. Almost instantly she rolls over and presses herself against my chest, letting out a hitched sigh.

“You're meant to be asleep,” I say, pressing my mouth to the top of her head, breathing her in.

“I can't sleep right now. Did you find him? Has he been arrested?”