Chapter 35 - Mila

If I thought Dante was going to ease up on how much he would watch me, I was sorely mistaken. It's been a week since that night at the lookout and he's been amazingly attentive and caring. Constantly going out of his way to do things for me and predict my needs.

He has also been possessive, obsessive and won't leave me alone. I had to push him out of the bathroom the other day yelling at him that no one is going to attack me when I'm doing my business. He then tried to counter my argument by saying that it was the perfect time to attack when my defences were down, so I locked the door and climbed out the window after I was finished. Luckily the bathroom was near the wood box against the house, and I could quietly climb out the window and down to the ground, walking across the driveway to chat with Ace who was working on the garage apartment. Maybe 10 minutes later we both heard the bathroom door being kicked in, shortly before he ran out the front door, staring at me when he'd found that I had escaped. I was laughing until Ace pushed me to run and I was suddenly scared shitless of being caught. Being chased is one of several things that can get my heart ratejumping for no reason, and I made it to the meadow on the other side of the house before he caught me. I think he eased off his chase a little bit because I was screaming and laughing so loudly he wasn't sure if I was okay or not. When he did catch me he pulled me to the ground, kissing me with so much intensity you would think it had been more than fifteen minutes since he last saw me. Yanking my leggings down and taking me hard and fast in the middle of the meadow.

I had to put him on a sex lockdown after that because we were doing it so often I was sore and walking funny, so he's banned for 48 hours. I like sex as much as the next person, and sex with Dante is the best I've ever had, but there is only so much that I can take.

Given that we spent the last week christening almost every wall, floor and surface of Ace's house, I needed a moment to catch my breath. I felt so bad that I've been cleaning the house profusely trying to cover up how many different places we've been. Thankfully, he took the ban surprisingly well saying he understood and when I was ready to let him know. I love how much he touches and cuddles me, but my poor pussy needed a break after Hurricane Dante stormed through. Which brings us to hour 31 of the ban and purposely rubbing up against him in our daily self defence class.

Sweat rolling between my breasts I can see him looking at me, his scowl getting worse after every unnecessary touch between us.

“Okay, let's reset. Where do you hide your switchblade?” he asks, bringing both hands up to squeeze my breasts as he stands behind me. Pushing my ass back, I can feel his hard cock straining against his pants pressing into me, wiggling my hips causing him to groan.

I finally revealed my secret hiding spot for my switchblade a few weeks ago and I will never forget his face when I slowly put my hand in my bra, making sure to squeeze my breast as I retrieved it. I had to call his name three times to get him to refocus on what we were doing, and then he kept staring at my chest the whole time trying to figure out if that's where I kept it. I tried explaining that if he ever sees a woman out with no bag or purse, I guarantee she will have something stashed in her bra, and that men don't understand because they have the luxury of having pockets in basically every item of clothing made for them.

“Well, currently my switchblade is in my hands, so ..." waving the small wooden stick we use as a practice knife in front of us.

“Are you sure it's not in here?” he whispers, kissing down my neck, trying to slide his hands under my sports bra.

“Why is this so damn tight,” he says growling in frustration over not having easy access to the girls when they're strapped down.

Chuckling, I turn and push him away. "Focus Dante, you're still on a ban remember? You wouldn't want to accidentally slip and fall.'' I say, pushing the waistband of my gym tights down suggestively, smiling at him. Within seconds he's closed the distance between us and has picked me up, wrapping my legs around him, I can’t help but laugh.

“You realise I'm going to punish you now,” he winks at me and smacks my ass firmly. Yelping at the unexpected sting, I can't stop laughing at this playful version of my big grumpy man. “Actually, I never asked you ..." a wicked smirk forming across his face as his hands move to my waist putting me back on the floor. Suddenly his fingers are pressing into that spot on your waist, the one just below your ribs. He pushes his fingers into my sides, and I start squirming as he tickles me. The intense feeling causing me to call out, squealing with laughter, begging him tostop. Trying to get away from him we end up falling and rolling on the floor laughing until we are breathless. I move to where he is lying on his back, a big smile on his face as he looks to the ceiling. Reaching out and pushing back his hair, I can't help but feel lucky that this guy wants to be with me.

“This suits you, you know.”

“What does?”

“Relationships. I'm really enjoying getting to knowrelationship Dante.Stalker Dantecan take a break for a bit and let this guy come out a bit more,” I tease.

Sighing at me, he says, “You know, I'd like to think this is not my normal behaviour. But until Trevor is found I won't apologise for keeping you safe.”

“For right now, it's okay,” I say, rolling and laying my head on his chest. “I understand why you're doing it. I just want it to be done. Whatever his plan is, I just want him to do it so I can live my life.”

I can hear my phone buzzing by the wall near my water bottle and reluctantly I move to get up. Only Dante, Ace, Nova and Sam have my phone number and if they need help I want to be able to be there for them even if it's in this restricted capacity.

Unknown:you look good today

Frowning and wondering who this could be, I put it down to a wrong number. No one else has my number, and those who do, know how important it is to keep it private for now. If they gave it out they would tell me.

Wrong numbers happen all the time but just in case I quickly block this one so I don't get any more notifications.

“Everything okay?” Dante calls out.

“Yes, it's fine, just a wrong number.” Quickly turning off my phone and returning to finish our lesson.

The afternoon is uneventful and I spend it laying out on the porch swing in the sunshine, reading with the dogs sleeping nearby. It's almost sundress weather and I can't wait to see the township come out of its winter hibernation. Nova and I have been talking about the coffee cart for the spring festival and we have finally locked in a drink menu, along with several baked goods that will be sold. It will just be the two of us running it, with Nova getting Dante to promise to stay out of the way if he insists on being there, which he does.

The back door opens and Ace strolls out with a few beers in hand, followed closely by Dante.

“We decided to get pizza for dinner, so don't get up if you don't need to,” Ace says, taking a seat on the bannister.

“Pizza sounds great. How's the progress on the apartment?" I ask.

“It's coming along well. We're almost finished so if you guys want to move in there you can, but it's fine for you to keep staying in the house. It's big enough for us all so there's no pressure to move if you don't want to.”

Dante lifts my legs, putting them on his lap, sitting down next to me. He starts rubbing my feet and I can't help but groan at how good it feels, him stopping almost instantly when I do.