I have no home, no one to look after me, to love me. My dreams have faded from conquering the world to surviving each day and now, just being in this moment, enjoying the last views of this sunset. I've been fighting this feeling of tiredness for the past few minutes and I think I'm okay with this being my last day. Right now, here, sitting on the roadside I don't feel pain. I don't feel angry or scared. I don't feel anything except grateful at this moment in time. For the first time in a long time, I'm living life on my terms and not what Trevor has told or forced me to do.
I'm looking out to a beautiful sunset, I can smell the fresh mountain air, and I've finally gotten away from him.
He can't hurt me anymore.
I'm free.
Chapter 4 - Dante
Something in the Orange - Zach Bryan ?
Fuck, fuck, FUCK. I knew there was something wrong. I sped the entire way back to the stupid sports car parked on the roadside, and I definitely saw a pair of bare feet, because right now I'm staring at a woman who looks like she's been in a car crash. The only problem is that her car is in perfect condition.
What the fuck happened to her?
“Miss,” ... “Ma’am,” ... “Lady,” I say, gently taking her shoulder as I try to shake her awake. What the hell do you call a woman you don't know these days? And why am I worried about offending her when she is clearly unconscious. I reach out and feel for a pulse in her neck. Unsurprisingly, she's ice cold, however, I can thankfully feel a weak pulse. The sun set not long ago but who knows how long she'd been sitting here before I saw her. It's been lightly snowing for the past 15 minutes and I can feel it getting heavier the longer I'm out here. I've tried to use my phone to call for help but there's no reception. Ace did say that the reception was dodgy at best, and he kept a satellite phone in his truck for emergencies. I'll be adding that to the top of mylist of things to buy when I finally get to Hidden Valley because I never want to be caught out again.
Taking a quick look in the car, I can see the seats are empty and the keys are still in the ignition. She had a black handbag on her lap, but otherwise, I couldn't see any shoes, or even any clothing that was appropriate for this type of weather. It's like she was running away and had no choice but to leave with what she had.
Sprinting back to my truck I grab my jacket, clearing the passenger seat for her to sit on. Racing back to the woman, I take a second to make a plan and place my jacket on top of her. There's no way in hell I can leave her out here and I can't get help to her, so I guess I'm taking her with me.
Slowly, and as gently as I can I lift her from the ground holding her in my arms. She's not heavy at all, and being this close I get a better look at her face.Someonehas done this to her and I’m fucking pissed.
I've never understood how anyone can hurt a loved one, a kid or even just another person for no reason. I'm no saint, I have a ton of blood on my hands, especially after being deployed so many times, but I justify that differently. I was at war those times, I was fighting for myself and protecting people who couldn't protect themselves. I didn't just go around aimlessly beating up those weaker than myself. I've never been the one to strike first in a fight unless I absolutely have to. I'm a reactive fighter, and I trained for years in hand-to-hand combat so I can end a fight just as quickly as it starts.
I'm methodical, calculated and your worst nightmare if you get me cornered, but here now, this rage I'm feeling sits differently. I can feel my heart breaking alongside this burningneed to protect her. This woman in my arms deserves more than the card she's been dealt in life, and I'll be damned if I don't help her for however long she’ll let me.
Placing her in the truck as gently as I possibly can, I see her right eye is swollen shut and is an angry shade of purple. Her lip is split, but the blood has since dried. There's fresh blood slowly trickling down her face from a head wound somewhere behind her hairline. Head wounds can produce a lot of blood even for tiny cuts, so I'm glad this one seems to be on the smaller side, her top is soaking up most of the blood staining the front of her chest.
I'm worried she might have injuries I can't see though, like internal bleeding or broken bones. I don't want to aggravate anything more than I need to by trying to move her unnecessarily. Reaching around her to get the seatbelt she lets out a small whimper.
“Ma’am, can you hear me? I've found you on the roadside. I'm going to—”
“Stop Trevor,” she barely whispers, cutting me off, “please stop.”
“Ma'am, my name is Dante. Nothing's going to hurt you anymore, you're safe, I have you.” I say softly in her ear. “He won't hurt you anymore,” I repeat as she moans in discomfort, frown lines appearing on her face before she falls silent again. Never have I felt such importance in saying those words to another person, Iwillkeep this woman safe. Trevor just made it to the top of my shit list. He doesn't know it yet but he's a dead man walking.
Racing around the front of the truck I try calling Ace again as I get into the driver's seat. Miraculously, I have two measly bars of reception and the call connects after what feels like forever.
"Ace … Ace … Can you hear me? I've found a woman, she is in bad shape. I need the local hospital or doctor's office."
“Shit. Okay. We don't have a hospital nearby but there's a small medical centre in Woodman. It's the last town you come to before you take the mountain pass to Hidden Valley. There's a motel and a gas station on the highway but there is a small township behind them which most people miss. The medical centre is directly behind the motel but the entrance is around the block. I'll get a hold of the doctor on shift and tell them you're on your way.”
“I know the one,” I say, thinking that must be the town I stopped to get gas in. “I was just there before I turned back to check out the car where I found her. I'll fill you in properly later, but thanks man, I appreciate it. She's been beaten pretty badly and probably has hypothermia.” I can feel the tension wash over me as I say those words.
“Okay, I'll let them know. Drive safe and keep me updated.”
Pulling up to the medical centre, I can see a man waiting out front gesturing to me to park the truck in the available space next to the entrance. The snow is really coming down now and I'm relieved we've made it here in one piece. Quickly, I get out of the truck and approach the man who is waiting outside.
“Are you Dante?” he says with a strong voice, one that doesn't quite match his small stature. He has a confidence about him that demands respect. Not cocky, more like I'm not here to muck about, tell me what I want to know. A man who deals in facts, not hearsay.
“Yeah, that's me. I found a woman on the roadside and she's hurt. Looks like she was beaten and maybe trying to get away from someone.”