Trevor's watching me, I can feel him. His beady eyes staring and hating me with every fibre of his being. His breathing is strained like he's been running hard. I can see the light reflecting off something in his hand. A gun maybe, or a knife. His face contorts into an evil grin as he takes a step toward me, “You think you could leave me you stupid bitch? ME?” he screams at me, pointing to his chest. It's so cold I can see my breath coming out when I exhale. I can feel my body shivering in the darkness. Suddenly, he lunges toward me, his arm outstretched, the object in his hand shining in the moonlight. Panicked, I try to run but I can’t move. It's like my feet are stuck in cement and I'm destined to take Trevor's punishment over and over again. This is my penance for something. I'll never be rid of him and I can feel myself drowning in his hate.
“No, no, please. No, no, no,” is all I manage to get out before I'm surrounded in warmth, a strong warm body embracing me.
“Shhhh, baby. You're okay. Nothing is going to hurt you. You're safe with me,” the voice whispers in my ear, like an old friend saying hello. I jolt awake and I'm suddenly aware of my rapid breathing, tears falling free and strong arms wrapped around me, holding me tight.
“It was just a dream. You're safe, I promise,” Dante says, holding me close to his chest.
Dante is here, I'm safe, Trevor is still a fucker and hedoesn'tget to haunt me in my dreams.
Sitting up in bed, pressing my hands to my eyes, willing the tears to stop.
“I don't want this anymore Dante,” my voice strong and firm. Instantly I feel his arms go rigid around me, I know what I've said and how it sounds but it's not what I mean so I continue and if I need to explain further I will. “I don't want this anymore, this feeling. I feel weak.”
Breathing heavily, I clutch my chest, willing myself to hold it together right now. “I don't want to feel weak anymore. I want you to help me feel strong. Teach me how to protect myself. You can do that right?” Turning to face him in the darkness. “He turned up at Charlie's house and started to harass her. I need you to teach me how to feel strong so if I am ever …” Taking a deep choking breath, I continue in a whisper, "If I am ever in that situation again, I can fight back."
That's all he says, a simpleokay. No complaints, no moaning about his ability to protect me, no scoffing or attempts to minimise my experience or my reaction to it. No chest beating, me man, you woman. Justokay.
Morning comes with grey skies and threats of snow, but I feel lighter again, content. It's like each night I have a mini therapy session in the cover of darkness. My deepest worries and fears are shared and Dante just listens and truly hears them. Taking a bit of the burden from me, lightening the load of worry I carry around with me all the time. Reluctantly, I start to move, trying to gently ease myself away from him, hoping I don't wake him.
“No. Five more minutes,” a low grumble says above my head, thick with the sound of a heavy sleep. Smiling to myself, I snuggle back into his chest, getting as close to him as I can, surrounding myself with everything he is, wishing one day this might be something more. That we could be something more together.
We are completely intertwined and I absolutely love it. I've almost fallen back asleep when I feel Dante start to roll over, untangling himself from me.
“Noooo, you're letting the cold in the bed,” I moan, trying to grab at him, somehow ending up on top of him in our pathetic tussle under the blankets. Almost at the exact same time, we both register there is something else in the bed with us and I gasp. Dante's hard cock is pressed against both of our stomachs, wedged in between us, clearly wanting some attention this morning. I can't help it and start laughing, my whole body shaking at how hilarious it is, that this man, my saviour and I, are laying in bed together after I've cried my eyes out to him on more than one occasion, and I'm only wondering now how I've never noticed his cock the other mornings.
“Baby, this wiggling is not helping,” he grunts, not making an attempt to move me off him.
“Sorry, I'm sorry.”
I'm still laughing as I slide myself off him, making sure to savour each moment of his hard body underneath me. He lets out a low hiss as my leg grazes his cock and I can't help but say, “That was a huge surprise,” smiling, watching him get out of bed as I snuggle into the warm blankets.
“When you're ready, I'll give you a huge surprise,” he says, winking at me with the biggest grin on his face. Laughing at this random turn of events, I throw a pillow at him as he walks away, grateful for this playful side of him when it's just the two of us. He's still wearing clothes to bed, sweats and a T-shirt, so I can see he has tattoos covering both forearms but the rest of him remains a mystery. I'm determined not to read into his actions. We are just two friends who happened to share a funny moment. No flirting, no hidden meanings. I don't want to get ahead of myself because we're still getting to know one another. DespiteAce alluding to Dante not being a big people person, he could just be a little softer around women in general.
Ughh, who am I kidding, I want him, and now that I know what he's packing I really want him. He oozes sex appeal, so I'm positive he knows what he's doing in the bedroom, but thankfully I'm not too overwhelmed by lust that my common sense has gone out the window. I'm not going to ruin this friendship with him by reading into anything so if he wants something more he's going to have to tell me.
Ace left us a cooked breakfast warming in the oven and a note saying that he was popping out to the store to pick up a few things, and to see Nova. We eat in relative comfort, not needing to talk and not letting the humour of this morning make anything uncomfortable. It's as though we have always done this, coexisted together.
The sound of a car pulling up makes Dante jump out of his seat, walking toward the window.
“The mailman’s here,” he says, staring outside, as I hear the sound of a car door opening and closing. Practically squealing, I run toward the door saying, “It could be my clothes,” as he tries to stop me.
“It's not safe,” he calls out, running after me.
I make it to the front door before he pins me to it, stopping me from opening it with his whole body pressed against mine.
“We don't know him, it's not safe, he could be anyone,” he whispers, making sure the person on the other side of the door can't hear us.
“Hello? Is anyone home? … I'm Phil the mailman, and I moonlight as a delivery driver sometimes, but for the most part, I just deliver the mail. I saw Ace in town and he said you guyswould be wanting this stuff straight away. Said it's clothes and stuff. Hello ..."
"See,” I hiss, smiling at the funny situation I again find myself in, not complaining about feeling Dante's body against mine. "It's just Phil the mailman, with my clothes."
“Stay behind me,” he grunts, releasing me from his hold and moving me behind him as he opens the door.
“Oh, Hi. I wasn't sure if you heard me, I’m Phil—”
“The mailman,” Dante growls, finishing Phil's sentence.