I had kept it all neutral tones, with splashes of gray here and there. Apparently, gray was her favorite color. If you would have asked me, I would have guessed pink or yellow. Gray was such an uninteresting and monotone color.

I heard the water go off in the bathroom.

She was done. Which meant that now would be the perfect time to give her a little surprise. It was not lost on me that she didn't like me very much. But she did want to fuck me, and that was more than perfect for me, because I wanted to fuck her.

I moved quietly to the door and took my time, giving her some space. Then, when I had decided that enough time had passed, I pushed the door open. Her eyes immediately snapped to me in the mirror, and she gasped. Unfortunately, she wore a towel that she had pressed against her chest.

“What are you doing here?” She whirled around with flushed cheeks. “Did you just walk in here without knocking?”


She stared at me with hair dripping at her side and the towel clutched closely to her body. Her plump lips parted into a low and inaudible gasp.

Those familiar sparks that had moved between us that day in the small cabin returned. The gentle hum bounced off my body awakening, that insatiable need to taste her.

“I asked you a question, Valerio.” Her voice was only a decibel or two above a whisper. She may as well have been speaking gibberish to me, because I could not decipher a single thing that came out of her mouth. My mind was too busy thinking of all the sinful things I wanted to do to her body.

Her skin was paler than it had been the last time I had seen her. She had spent her days locked away in her room, according to my informant.

“Valerio.” She spoke with more conviction this time, but I could see the low burning hunger behind her eyes. She wanted me just as badly as I wanted her.

“Cielo.” I stepped toward her, and she took one back. “Looks like you have been delivered right to the lion’s den.”

“Likening yourself to a lion?” She scoffed. “You seem more like a serpent to me.”

“Serpent? You wound me,cielo.” I tried another step, and she backed away again. I arched a brow at her movements. “Scared?”

“You don’t scare me, Valerio.” She feigned confidence, but I could see behind her farce. “What are you doing in my room? Surely you have better things to be doing than stalking me?”

Quite frankly, watching her was my favorite pastime. I liked… observing her. She was a code I was yet to crack, and the longer it took me to figure her out, the more curious I grew.

“See…” I walked toward her, now inching her all the way to the countertop that she hit when she ran out of space. “I think I do scare you.”

I looked over her. My large stature overshadowed her smaller one. I was always astounded by how much smaller she was than me.

“Hmm?” I grabbed her chin between my thumb and forefinger and forced her gaze to meet my eyes. I could see the raging storm in them that she was trying to conceal. “Why must you always try to live by the rules placed upon you?”

Her eyes darted to my lips, but only for a millisecond until they moved back up to meet my gaze again. Her slip-up was enough to have my cock twitch to life.

“Breaking the rules for me means death.” She swallowed hard. “We are not all free to live the lives we want. Some of us live for others.”

I removed my hand from her chin and cupped the side of her face. Instant prickles of energy moved between our skin. It was unlike any sensation I had ever felt before in my life.

“Khochesh’,ya predstavlyu tebya opasnosti?”

Do you want me to introduce you to danger?

Her eyes widened when I spoke her mother tongue.

“You speak Russian?”

I rubbed my thumb against her soft skin. Her lips were far too enticing.

“Ya na Hal uchit’sya, chtoby soblaznit’ tebya v svoyu postel” I chuckled under my breath.

I started learning so I could seduce you into my bed.

She let out a low laugh. “Kogda ad zamernet.”