“I think I will stay. I rather like your company.” I had come here with every intention of trying to forget this woman, but here I was entertaining more and more conversation with her.
I was playing a dangerous game here. My brother’s foreshadowing rang loudly in my head, but the high of having her near me was too strong to ignore.
“And I rather despise yours.”
“Maybe you would prefer me fucking you. Tell me,cielo, do you prefer to be taken from behind like a whore or?—”
She raised her hand in the air and sent it flying my way. The movement had been quick, and had it been any other person, I was sure that she would have managed to slap them. But it was me, and I was a lethal weapon in combat.
I grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward me.
“A little rude, no?”
Her eyes narrowed in what was meant to be a menacing glare, but she was as menacing as a kitten. “Let me go,” she spat.
“No.” I held onto her wrist tightly.
The air thickened between us. I didn’t miss the way our body beats mixed with each other.
A subtle hum filled the space between us, the small little electrical sparks moved through the air particles and hit our skin.
My eyes moved from her raging pools down to her lips. They were so plump, and perfect, and ripe for the taking. From themoment I saw her walk into the gala, I knew that I had to taste her.
Call it curiosity.
There was something about her that called to me. It was like this supernatural kind of pull that transcended all logic.
We were not logical. She was not the kind of woman that I should want. Obedient, docile and selfless. I liked my women wild, uncaged, and free. She was too refined for me, or at least that was what I had been thinking for the past month as I got the details from my men.
But standing here in front of her, staring at her face to face, there was more to her.
This façade she put up of the dutiful sister who put family first was only one of her many layers. And I wanted to learn them all.
I should have pulled away; I should have wanted her nowhere near me. But my cock was screaming far too loudly for me to listen to reason and logic.
“Fuck it.” I released her wrist and grabbed both sides of her face. “Don’t think.”
And then crashed my lips down onto hers.
I was prepared for an immediate slap, but what I was met with surprise, and it intrigued me even further.
Instead of pulling away from me, she melted into my body. Instead of closing her mouth to me, she opened for me on her own accord. Her hands pressed against my chest, her nails digging into my Armani shirt.
I lowered my hands and placed them on both her hips, pulling her even closer to my body.
My blood felt like it had little tiny fireworks going off in every single organ and cell.
Our mouths moved together in perfect sync, like we had done this a million times over. Our tongues moved against each other, tasting every inch of our mouths.
I had expected her to be sweet, but what I was met with was a complete but welcomed surprise.
Kissing for me was child’s play. It did nothing for me, but with her, it felt like…everything. I didn’t kiss women. I didn’t particularly enjoy the act. Why play around when we could get right to fucking? But with her, it was different. I didn’t know why. It just was.
But as hot as the kiss became, she ripped her lips from mine and shoved me hard. I blinked, trying to clear the haze of lust that had clouded my mind.
“Why would you do that?” I had no idea if she was talking to me or to herself. Her cheeks were completely flushed, and her lips were plump and swollen from my assaults. “I want you to leave.”