Page 27 of Wrapped in You

Sophie's heart opened. Sometimes it felt as though Cindy knew exactly when she needed her and just how badly.

Cindy got to Sophie's little house a few minutes before she did. She'd let herself in with a spare key and already gotten to work in the kitchen, slicing onions and garlic. Sophie removed her shoes and waved hello as she passed by the kitchen. She wanted to take off her work clothes and put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt, but Cindy chased her down for a hug.

Her eyes were lit up.

"They told me what you did," Cindy said. Her smile was enormous.

Sophie groaned and hung her head.

"Stop it!" Cindy ordered. "I think it's amazing. You stood up to that evil director! Somebody had to. He was on a power trip."

"But was it worth it? You know how much Culinary Tastings needs the money," Sophie whispered. "Now we're going to get fired. And Randy and Tommy and Fiona and Piper won't have enough cash for Christmas, and..."

"Shush," Cindy said.

"I don't know what I was thinking," Sophie added.

"You were thinking about everyone on set," Cindy reminded her. "You were thinking about Christmas and how important Christmas movies are to you. You're a romantic."

"Did they tell you I brought up Derek's wife?" Sophie asked with a grimace.

Cindy's jaw dropped. "I want to hear everything!"

Sophie groaned and tugged at the edge of her shirt. "Fine! One sec."

Cindy let Sophie go for now. She ran upstairs to change clothes and look at herself in the mirror, trying to gauge whatshe might have looked like when she stormed through the cameras and told Derek Brownlee what she thought.

Thirty-four, dark blond, five-foot-five. Soft face. Soft smile.

But standing next to true Hollywood beauties, Sophie guessed she was nothing.

Not that she cared if Derek Brownlee found her beautiful or not. That was far from her mind. Wasn't it?

Sophie returned to the kitchen to find Cindy stirring a soul-warming potato soup. Fresh bread from the local bakery poked out of a brown paper bag.

"I've never seen you so immersed in your work before," Cindy said. She sounded amused.

"I need to take a breather, don't I? Back up a little bit?"

"I think it's good to care," Cindy offered. "This is how I want my children to grow up. I want them to speak up for what they believe in. I want them to stand up for what's right."

"It's just a film," Sophie reminded her.

Cindy gave her a harsh look. "Just a film? Yeah right, Sophie. Are you really going to belittle the power of Christmas movies? How many Christmas movies did we watch after your breakup with Jeremy?"

Sophie groaned. Jeremy was the last person she wanted to talk about.

Cindy put a lid on the pot of soup and sat down across from Sophie. "So you brought up his wife?"

"I'm pretty sure Derek's wife wrote the original script," Sophie said softly. "I couldn't believe he'd want to distance himself from her story. But the minute I mentioned her name, tears filled his eyes. I've never seen anything like it."

"He's a broken man," Cindy said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We're all a little broken," Sophie offered. "But there's no way around it. He hates me now."

"Or he's intrigued by you," Cindy said. "You showed how unafraid of him you are."

Sophie looked her in the eye. "I don't know about that."