Bear’s eyebrows shot up, and I realized that might have sounded offensive.
“I mean, your sausage also. I definitely want to taste that again. Nothing wrong with that sausage. But that’s not the sausage I meant.”
His eyebrows got even higher. Did he still have enough forehead real estate for that?
Can I say sausage more than I already have?
I licked my lips before pressing them closed and wishing with all my might that saliva was, just for this one tiny moment, Super Glue.
“You want to taste my sausage, Zane?” His hand was still around the front of my throat, and I felt every fingertip making contact with my skin.
“I don’t even know why we got on this subject. I’d rather talk about me being a diva.” I locked eyes with him. “About me, uh… giving commands.”
He let out a little laugh. “You want to give commands, Z?”
I shook my head, feeling the press of his warm fingers as they took the opportunity to slide up into my hair. Bear stepped closer until his bulge pressed against mine. “No,” I breathed. “Not really.”
“Didn’t think so.”
He leaned in so slowly I stopped breathing, turning my face slightly so our lips would brush. But he bypassed my lips and moved his mouth to my ear. “Be patient, little one,” he murmured before pressing a kiss under my ear and another behind my ear. “God, you taste so good. Sweet, like honey.”
“B-bears like honey,” I pointed out as he ran more open-mouthed kisses down the side of my neck.
“More than you know.”
I swallowed. “I want…”
My thoughts and words scattered as he sucked on a patch of skin at the base of my throat.
“You want…?”
“You’re the worst,” I moaned. I moved my hands into Bear’s dark hair. “I don’t know what I was even saying. You’re distracting me.”
“Want me to stop?” he offered insincerely.
“You fucking crazy?” I asked, voice hoarse.
“We back to our deal, Zane?”
“Deal?” It was impossible to focus when his hands and mouth were on me.
“You and me, practicing in Norway?”
My brain was officially offline. There was no man on Earth who’d be able to focus with this giant, gorgeous man marking a delicious trail along the collar of their shirt. “Uh-huh.”
“Excellent.” Bear pulled away. “But not right now.”
Just as I was about to snap out a curse at him for teasing me with such cruelty, the timer on his phone went off. I shot it a death glare, which only made Bear laugh as he moved away to check the casserole. My only satisfaction was noticing him adjust himself in his running tights.
As soon as he turned away from me to lean over the oven, I drank my fill of his ass.
He started talking to me about nonsense. Another article he’d read on vocal exercises for professional opera singers. A podcast he’d come across on using steam to pamper your vocal cords before demanding performances. These were all things I’d already heard before from my vocal coaches, but I was touched he’d spent so much time going down a rabbit hole with me in mind.
By the time he served the food onto plates and moved us over to the dining table, I’d calmed down a little.
After all, we had time. This Norway trip was scheduled to last another week—seven glorious days and nights of touching and kissing and experimenting with my very own Bear—and maybe for once, Iwouldgo all diva. Maybe I’d demand we spend pretty much the entire time naked in bed…
But that wasn’t what happened.