Page 55 of Protecting Mr. Fine

“I honestly just want to do it. I want to have sex. With you. Again. Right now. Very much.”

It was the most selfish and forthright thing I’d said in as long as I could remember. But I was too far gone to care. I wanted him enough to throw out the truth and hope for the best.

Bear met my eyes and leaned in. My breathing picked up, turning shallow and jagged at the same time.

“You’re really hard to say no to,” he said, no longer smiling.

I could still see signs of hesitation in his eyes… but it didn’t stop him from leaning in and kissing me.



When a bear has its eye on something sweet, like a late-summer berry bush or an untouched stash of honey, he’ll sometimes push aside his better instincts to indulge. Even if he knows he might have to contend with sore paws or painful nettle stings after, some urges are just too tempting to resist… especially when that sweetness is right there in front of him.

—Bear Facts for Insomniacs, Episode 73

Kissing Zane was the least likely way in the entire universe of maintaining my sanity.

I sounded breathless—and my brain felt severely oxygen deprived—when he pulled back a moment later.

Zane scooted closer to me and touched the tip of his index finger to one of the collarbone bumps at the base of my throat. His eyes stayed riveted there so he didn’t have to look at me. “What if… what if we just, um,practicedhere. A little. In Norway. We’re on our own, mostly. You’re horny. I’m horny. You want practice. I want practice.This is like…” He traced my collarbone, which was proving to be an erogenous zone I hadn’t known existed. “The perfect practice scenario.”

His point was well-made.

Frankly, he could have said, “Me want,” and I would have thought it was a point well-made.

But Zane continued making a very strong case to my neck. “B-besides, I don’t get opportunities like this, a-and this was really special to me, what we did. Earlier. Because I know I can trust you—I trust you more than anyone—and that made it amazing. And you’re closer to me than anyone in the world, other than my brothers. And it really, it really sucks if that’s going to be, like, the only time we get to do that because I feel like I just finally got this opportunity, and also, I don’t know about you, but that… what we did. Earlier. That’s not enough for me. So it’s going to be really hard for me not to want that every time I’m with you from now on. And we’re going to be stuck together here in the house, so, like, what if we… just temporarily! It doesn’t have to go past Norway…”

He stopped, cleared his throat, and peeked up at me from beneath his lashes… which was quickly becoming my favorite Zane look. “You’re not saying anything. Does that mean no? Because… okay. That’s cool. I mean, I guess I could try to find someone else. I could ask?—”

I leaned in again and kissed the words out of his mouth. His nervous babbling was my Kryptonite, and if he thought he was going to “find someone else,” he had another think coming.

I was done fighting this. If this interlude was my only chance to have him, I was going to take it with both hands, both feet, and all the fucking rest of me. How could I say no when it was exactly what I wanted? He was dangling my dream right in front of me and telling me it was what he needed.

Was it unprofessional? Yes. Hell, yes. But he was right. No one was around to witness it.

Would it distract me from protecting him? Maybe… although I’d craved him desperately for a year already, and I felt like I was doing okay. Besides which, Lou and the rest of the perimeter team had us covered, and we were in the wilds of a Norwegian fjord, so far off the beaten path there was no possible way a random stalker from America could find us.

So I would give him what he wanted. WhatIwanted. And then I would let him go when we left this little sanctuary, even if it meant watching him fall for someone else one day. Because that was what you fucking did for the people you loved. You took a bullet for them, literally or figuratively.

Zane’s slender fingers curled into my chest hair and tugged. The time had come to stop stressing and allow myself to enjoy this.

I rolled him over onto his back and deepened the kiss, arching my hips to press my cock against the inside of his thigh. He made a sound of surrender in his throat that tweaked my need to take care of him. Zane deserved the best, and while I was nowhere near the best, I’d try my hardest to make this good for him.

My hands explored every inch of his exposed skin, caressing sensitive spots and squeezing firm muscles, tweaking his nipples and finally reaching down to pull off his pajama pants.

The duvet was long gone, tossed off the bed when heat from our bodies had made it an inferno.

“Bear,” Zane said on a groan as I tugged on his earlobe with my teeth and growled.

He wasn’t wrong. I felt semi-feral, overcome with the need to take and have, maul and conquer.

I moved down his body, teasing his chest, stomach, and lower belly with my tongue, eager to suck him. This wasn’t my first time, but it was definitely mybesttime.

Zane sucked in an audible breath. As I finally put my mouth on his cock, his hands moved into my hair and held on. “Oh god. Fuck.Ryan.”

Hearing the sound of my name in his lust-graveled voice made my cock even harder. Knowing he’d never had the pleasure ofreceiving oral sex before incited my desire to make this one the best damned blow job in history.