He sucked in a breath. “No.”
That might have been the first time I’d ever heard Zane say the word.
I hid a grin against his ear. “You’ll tell me if you stop being fine.”
“I’ll always be fine with you.”
I closed my eyes and imagined that to be possible. “Zane. You will tell me if you stop being fine.”
He made a little growling sound in his throat. “Fine.”
I sucked his earlobe into my mouth. “I hope you still like horseradish,” I said while bubbles of happy nerves popped haphazardly in my stomach.
He pulled in a shaky breath. “Who knew you were the world’s worst tease?”
I kissed him then, full on the lips. Blood roared in my ears and thundered in my veins. Hewantedme. He wantedme.Hewanted me.
We kissed for a long time, Zane happily straddling my lap while I held on to him with one arm and explored his face and neck with my other hand.
My cock filled as I imagined all the things I wanted to do with him. I shifted a little, and Zane let out a noise of protest. Instead of stopping kissing him long enough to explain, I reached for his hand and brought it down between us. The next sound out of him was a low groan as he explored the ridge of my hard cock through my sweatpants.
I unzipped his onesie to his navel and brushed it off his shoulders and down his tattooed arms. His skin was on fire. My hands turned warm from exploring.
He was small but toned from professional workouts with a personal trainer and hours-long performances that included choreographyand demanded stamina. I took advantage of the opportunity to touch all of the curves and dips that had been off-limits before now.
When I got to the lower part of his belly, I reached around to his back and snuck my fingers down beneath the soft elastic waistband of his boxer briefs. I was hyperaware of his reaction, poised and ready to stop at any indication I was crossing a line.
He didn’t stop me.
I cupped the bare skin of his ass and squeezed.
“Bear.” His voice was a muffled whimper.
“I want to make you come,” I admitted, moving to whisper against his ear.
His dick pressed against my stomach as he arched into me. “Touch me.”
My gut twisted with need, but I didn’t make a move to touch his cock. It was a line I wouldn’t be able to uncross. I wanted to give him time to change his mind because one thing was clear: I wouldn’t be the one stopping this from progressing.
I was in control of many, many things, but stopping myself from touching Zane wasn’t one of them. Not unless he asked me to.
He didn’t wait for me to make a move. Zane grabbed my arm and moved my hand down the front of his onesie. “Touch me,” he said again, nearly panting with desire. His face was flushed, and his eyes glittered.
I didn’t even need to ask because he volunteered, “Yes, I’m sure,” he groaned. “Please.”
I reached into his underwear and pulled his cock out. It was hot and hard in my palm. Zane didn’t make a sound, but his eyes widened, and his lips opened in an O shape before his eyes fluttered closed, and he let out a low, jagged sound that went straight to my own cock.
Making him feel that good was like catching air when going over a rise on a cross-country ski run. My stomach swooped, and the breath caught in my lungs. I quickly licked my palm before grasping him again and tugging gently, watching his reaction to learn what heliked and what felt good. I experimented with different pressure and speed until his eyes rolled back, and he let out a jagged exhale.
“Gonna come.” His words were breathy, and his lips were wet from my kisses. He was so hot I wondered if just jacking him while seeing him this way was going to make me come, too.
His hands clenched around my shoulders, and his hips canted into my grip as I murmured encouragement in his ear.
When he came, Zane let out a strangled sound and shuddered. He hid his face in my neck as the orgasm ripped through him.
I couldn’t believe I’d gotten to see him like this, to share this moment of complete vulnerability with him, to make him feel good.
Even though my dick was throbbing painfully in my pants, it was enough.