Bear’s brown eyes lightened and crinkled at the corners when he laughed out loud. My heart leapt into my throat at the sight. “I don’tremember saying totes adorbs, and we both know it doesn’t sound like something I’d say at all.”
I flicked my hair over my shoulder. “But I am, though. Right?”
He stopped and turned to face me. All traces of his smile were gone. “Peoplemagazine named you the Sexiest Man Alive,” he said, reaching out to untangle the hoodie cords at the front of my throat. “It’s too bad they don’t have a Totes-iest Adorbs-iest contest.” The words sounded comical in his deep and steady voice. His eyes flicked up to meet mine. “You’d nail it every time.”
My breath came in short, insufficient bursts like air dragged through a broken straw. “So… not sexy, then?”
What in the world had gotten into me? My question was inappropriate and provoking. Almost… flirty.What the hell was I thinking?
“No…” he said, and my stomach dropped.
But then he continued softly. “Peoplegot it right.” He turned back to the trail to continue walking. “They just failed to add you’re the sweetest, too.”
I stared after him. My stomach was a tumble of rabid snakes, all lifting their heads up to ask what the fuck had just happened.
Had Ryan Galloway—my stoic, professional, grumpy Bear—just called me sexy and sweet?
“You done stretching your legs?” he called back over his shoulder.
“N-no,” I admitted.
“Then quit standing around, and let’s go.”
We spent the rest of the walk in silence as I replayed the exchange in my mind. Was it possible Bear was just trying to be nice because he knew I’d been thrown by the threatening email?
Or was he simply stating a fact that didn’t much matter to him—like “Yeah, Zane’s a nice guy, and I guess I can see why people call him sexy, even though he definitely doesn’t do it for me”—kind of like the way I found Gal Gadot objectively sexy with her deep voice, even though I didn’t want to sleep with her?
Surely this was like that. Just because Bear could see why I’d been voted Sexiest Man Alive didn’t meanhefound me sexyhimself.
He wouldn’t.
Of course he wouldn’t.
Not if he was straight like I assumed he was—likeeveryoneexcept possibly Landry assumed he was.
But… what if he wasn’t?
That night, I fell asleep fantasizing about what it would be like if he wasn’t straight. I imagined the two of us on a secluded beach with Bear in nothing but a tiny scrap of a swimsuit and the sun lovingly lighting up all of the hard planes of his body. I imagined rubbing sunscreen into his warm skin, fingers skating over firm, muscled bumps and the dark fur of his happy trail…
But somehow, the scene turned strange and dark. An old, rusted fishing vessel bobbed offshore, and the screech of metal on metal split the air every time the captain lowered the booms with the nets into the water.
“They’ll catch something alright,” an old woman said from down the beach. A cigarillo bobbed between her lips as she spoke. “Mark my words. They’ll catch him. String him up like a trophy in town.”
Did they mean a trophy fish? I tried to ask, but the words wouldn’t come. Suddenly, I was in a crowded train station, and I couldn’t remember where I was going or which train I needed. I frantically searched the large board overhead in hopes something would jog my memory. People jostled me as they sped past on their way to various platforms. I looked around to find Bear because he would know which train we needed.
“Bear?” I called for him, but no noise came out of my mouth. “Bear!” I tried again and again, but nothing happened. Floods of people moved past me, knocking me first one way and then the other. Someone over a loudspeaker announced the final boarding call for a flight to White Plains. Another voice came on to announce a correction that the flight was actually to Scottsdale. I glanced around to see if anyone else was wondering why they were announcing flights instead of trains, but no one seemed to notice or care.
Was I at an airport? Wasn’t I supposed to be at a train station?Surely my train was here, and I was going to miss it. I looked around for Bear again and spotted Landry across the station. He waved and pointed to the board over my head.
You’re going to be late, he mouthed.Hurry.
“I’m lost!” I shouted, no longer worried about what people would think of me making a scene. “I don’t know where I’m supposed to go!”
This time, the sound came out, but all I heard was my voice shouting, “Bear!” over and over again until I could barely breathe.
“Shhh. I’m here, baby. Shhh. I’ve got you.”
Strong arms grabbed me and pulled me close. Bear’s familiar scent surrounded me. I felt safe. I was no longer alone. Bear would figure out where I needed to go. Bear would take charge and make sure everything was okay. I let myself relax into his embrace.