I grind against her, and she murmurs into my mouth. “Leo, please. Please, take me. Make love to me. Fuck me.”
It’s so quiet I think I’ve misheard her altogether. I bring my gaze down to her and find her eyes dark with a fire burning in them. It’s a yearning forme. And if that doesn’t set me off, her fingers unzipping my pants and her hand finding my dick will. She grips and jerks it like she’s done this before, and all color ceases to exist when I squeeze my eyes shut.
“That feels so fuckin’ good,” I say roughly into her neck in between kissing the hollow of her throat and the dip in her collarbone. “Shit. You’re gonna finish me off like this.”
She snorts. “And that’s a bad thing?”
“Sugar, nothin’ with you could ever be a bad thing.”
And it’s the truth.
She is everything that is good and pure in my life. In this world. I want nothing more than to live in this bubble with her forever.
While I forget about the war going on. Forget about a controlling mother. Forget about the obligations that await me on the ranch back home.
All things that threaten to pop our perfect bubble.
It’s only been six weeks since we got the keys to the cabin, but it’s already shaping up to be something beautiful. Though if anyone asks me, it was beautiful to begin with.
I never expected anyone to love this place as much as I do. But it’s quite possible Leo does. Maybe even more so.
Our days are spent working alongside one another, getting sweaty and filthy. I have more bruises on my body and slivers in my hands than I can count. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
The marks and pain are earned. Seeing the progress this place is taking and knowing it’s ours, makes the work more rewarding. And doing it with Leo is even better than I could’ve imagined.
Our nights possibly trump our days, though. They’re spent curled in one another’s arms in the primary bedroom, exhausted from the day. Or making love outside beneath the stars and next to the fire. Sometimes Leo draws us a bath, and he worships my body from head to toe while we bathe together.
On the rare occasion that Nettie and Pete aren’t working, they come for the day and help us with projects. But I think it’smostly an excuse to force us to take a break and go swimming in the creek. The four of us have so much fun together, so neither Leo nor I complain.
Leo never complains about anything.
Each day I’m introduced to new reasons to love him.
Today is painting day. After very little convincing, Leo allowed me to choose a pale-rose shade for the kitchen cabinets. I assure him that if we hate it in another year or so, we’ll paint over them.
Leo’s been distracted since he received word from his mother last week that his father had a stroke. She’s tried several attempts at guilting him into returning home, so he had himself almost convinced she was lying about the whole thing. Until he received a letter yesterday from his younger sister confessing her concern over their father. It’s not looking good.
Leo has dipped his brush into the can three times, letting the paint drip back inside, and has yet to paint anything. I study him, worry pinching in my gut. Part of me wants to beg him to stay, even though I don’t. Every day since we got the news, I’ve told him to go.
Country music streams from the old radio on the small table in the kitchen. I prefer music like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and Aretha Franklin, but I can tell Leo needs a bit of home.
Even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
“Hey, Cowboy? You okay?” I ask softly, not wanting to interrupt his deep thoughts.
He lifts his gaze, and he shakes his head until his eyes focus on mine. “I’m fine, Sugar.” The smile he gives me is void of feelings, but his strength is still evident on his face. He’s someone who’s had to be strong too many times in his life already, I realize.
“Did you talk to your mama when you went into townyesterday?” I hedge.
The excess paint pours from his brush before he finally turns his back to me and drags the brush over the wood cabinet. “I did.”
“And? What’d she say?”
“Same thing she always says—come home. Your daddy needs you. You have family obligations.” He wipes the back of his hand across his sweaty brow.