Page 26 of Come Back to Me

“Last one in is a rotten egg!” Pete hollers, taking a running start and kicking up the water as he rushes in.

“Oh, you little jerk, you got a head start,” Nettie complains.

Her still-clothed backside bobs as she chases after him. I try not to look. But I am relieved she left her bra and panties on rather than going butt-ass naked.

Giana has done the same. She tosses her blouse at me and walks backward toward the creek, giving me a saucy look. She’s got my attention. I’m completely entranced. Her nipples push through the satin fabric of her barely-there bra. They beckon me, and I race after her.

I reach her before she’s gone out too deep, and wrap her body up in my arms. Lifting her, I hike her over my shoulder, and she squeals. She giggles when I pat her round backside and rush the chilly creek deeper.

After a moment, I peel her from me and toss her into the water. One last yelp sounds out before she plunges below the surface. She shoots up within seconds, sputtering but still laughing.

“Oh, I’m so gonna get you, Cowboy,” she hollers and comes at me.

I chuckle at her enthusiasm and even more at her persistence as she tethers her legs around my waist. Her hands clamp around my shoulders, and she wrestles to shove me below the water. I try not to make it obvious when I let her win, and she finally succeeds.

When I emerge, I wipe my wet eyes and shake the water from my hair. She looks so doggone cute as she shouts triumphantly and pumps her fists in victory.

I laugh. “All right, y’all won this round.” Reaching an arm around her waist, I slide her onto my back.

She wraps her legs tightly around my waist and drapes her arms around my neck. Her lips brush against my ear, and ashiver races straight to my toes. “I’ll bet you win the next round,” her voice purrs.

And I more than like that I already know her well enough that I’m aware of what she’s implying.

I kiss her arm. “Promise?”

“Cross my heart,” is her response.

She nuzzles my neck, and again, I feel undeserving. So lucky I’ve found something—someone—that I love. The fear that the rug is gonna get pulled out from under me is blaring. I hate that I’m thinking about it. Worrying about it. Especially right now. When we’re in the middle of having ourselves a perfectly lovely day.

I bob up and down in the water, glancing over at Pete and Nettie every so often. They’re going at it like a couple of jackrabbits. Not even bothered we’re here.

“Think it would be rude if we ditch these two so we can be alone?”

“Sugar, I don’t think they’d even notice.”

We both look over at our friends and burst into laughter at the sight of them practically having sex right in front of us. I reach my hand into the water and skim the surface, sending a mighty splash in their direction.

And then it’s on. Our group of four proceed to have the best game of chicken I’ve ever played.

We end the day by the campfire. It’s like the sealing of a perfect day. Tonight, it’s Pete’s turn to play the guitar. But there’s no singing. I think we’re all too tuckered out.

Worry pinches in my gut that Pete and Nettie are planning on crashing at the cabin for the night. I’ve been wanting the chance to make love to Giana all day. But the anxiousness doesn’t last long. Before I know it, Pete is stuffing the old guitar back into the case, and they’re standing and stretching.

“I gotta work the next few days, but I’ll be back to help you later in the week.” Pete shakes my hand goodnight.

“Sounds good.” I pat his arm.

Giana and Nettie hug goodbye, before the newlyweds shuffle to the Martin’s Hardware truck and climb inside. I wait patiently while Pete turns over the engine and drives away.

Giana takes me by surprise when she begins pouring water onto the fire. “I thought they’d never leave,” she huffs out.

A chuckle slides out of my throat. “That makes two of us.”

“We got some catching up to do in that cabin.” She passes me a sly smile, and heat floods my body.

I toss another bucket of water onto the fire, and she grabs my hands, leading me toward the cabin.Ourcabin. We go inside and can’t shut the door behind us fast enough. I spin her around and shove her against the door, and she gasps. I grip her hips, digging in my fingers and anchoring her there before bringing my mouth down on hers.

Giana fists her hands in my shirt and yanks me closer to her. My cock already pulses against the zipper of my pants.