But she doesn’t answer me audibly. Rather, she returns her fingers to my hair possessively and tugs my mouth back down to her breast. My tongue skims across her pretty pink nipple again, and she gasps.
“You’re truly an angel, ya know that?” I cup one of her breasts with my palm and massage it while I continue teasing her nipple with my lips, my tongue, my teeth.
“If you believe that, then you don’t know me very well,” shepants. “Because I don’t think an angel should be thinking about how much she wants you to fuck her.”
My body ignites at her words. An animalistic urge kicks in, and it’s like I get tunnel vision. Suddenly, I’m not me. I’m not a virgin, but rather I’m a man who’s skilled and has done this multiple times.
I kiss her neck and growl into her ear, “Is that so?”
She bucks against me, and I feel her desire for me on my dick. So fucking wet. My head goes dizzy from the sensation. Everything is so new. So intense.
I’ve been near-naked with a woman before. Explored her body. But that’s where things ended. All that, the women prior to Giana feel like a practice run before the marathon.
Hovering above her, I torment her further as I lower my hips and slowly drag my length against her slick pussy. She moans beneath me. But the friction sends a powerful tingling in my cock, and I worry I’ll finish before I get the chance to even be inside her.
Reluctantly, I straighten and take a deep breath.
She props on an elbow, an unsettled look in her eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothin’…jus’…you’re so perfect, and I want you…that’s the problem.” I glance her way, but don’t make eye contact with her.
“And that’s a problem?” It takes her a moment, then her eyes widen as the realization sets in. “Ohhh. Do you need to stop? Because we don’t have to do this…if you don’t want to.”
“No,” I blurt. “Shit. I want to. Believe me, I want to.” I rest my hand on her hip and give it a squeeze, anchoring her there.
“If you’re sure.”
I soothe her concerns when I glide my hand from her hip and slide my fingers against her pussy. This doesn’t help in my effort to keep from coming undone. But she feels too fucking goodto stop. And when she mewls at my touch, I become eager and push a single finger inside of her.
She gasps and sucks her lip between her teeth.
“You okay?” I say with an exhaled groan.
She nods. “More,” she whispers like a command.
And I comply. Easing her back onto the blanket, I slide a second finger into her. She’s so fucking tight. I flex and scissor my fingers to stretch her. She squirms at my touch, and again I worry I’m hurting her.
But she grips my shoulder and chants, “I’m okay. I’m okay. It’s good. So good.”
My cock pulses from the sound of her voice purring at my touch. I slide my fingers out of her and rub the pad of my thumb against her clit. “Are ya ready for me, Sugar, or are y’all talk?”
“Please, Leo. I’m ready,” she whines, scratching her fingernails against my head.
I chuckle as a bit of relief wooshes out of me.Finally.
Rolling on top of her, I prop myself up on my forearms and gaze down at her. The flickering from the candlelight sparkles in her dark eyes. She gives me a smile and a nod of confirmation.
It’s a well-known fact that sex for a virgin female can be uncomfortable. Or even painful. I try to keep this in the front of my mind as I take my cock in my hand and press the tip to her entrance. But once I guide it inside and she inhales sharply, my senses overload from pleasure.
Lowering my face to hers, I kiss her gently at first. Her tongue sweeps over her lips before it dips into my mouth. The kissing, along with being inside her, is intense. I press my lips to her neck, her collarbone, her breasts. My mouth is erratic.
We move together, and I keep the tempo slow, despite the eagerness throbbing in my cock to pick up speed. Giana digsher fingertips into my back and moans into my neck. I’m not sure if it’s from pain or pleasure. But she wraps her legs around my thighs and bucks against me.
“Shit. You’re really are a firecracker,” I rasp, scraping my stubbly chin across her cheek.
She exhales a light laugh and it’s sexy.
Too sexy.