He passes me a mischievous grin that sets fire skimming across my bare arms. My body heats and suddenly feels sticky with sweat.
“If you’re referring to sex, then yes. They finally didit.”
“When? How?” I shriek.
We’ve reached the platform, and before he releases my arm and we part, he says, “Last night. And let’s just say, hisargument that she still looked beautiful despite the sunburn must’ve been very convincing.”
I snort a laugh and quickly recover after a stern look from Nettie’s father. Taking my place on the platform, I glance at Leo just as the procession plays and the guests stand. And instead of looking at Nettie as she begins her march down the aisle, he’s gazing at me. A lazy smile spreads on his lips, and he gives me a wink. Warmth pools between my thighs, and I squeeze them together mindlessly.
Worried he knows exactly what he’s doing to my body, I dip my chin and suck in a deep breath before I peer up at my best friend. I agree with Pete—she does look beautiful, despite the sunburn. The wide toothy grin stretched across her face has me bubbling with joy for her.
When I glance at Pete and find the unadulterated euphoria radiating on his face at the sight of his stunning bride, my joy turns to complete elation. These two are the definition of love. And I find myself hoping to be as lucky as Pete and Nettie one day.
The reception isn’t the party Nettie and Pete wanted. Even if Nettie’s father could’ve afforded alcohol, her mother would’ve put a stop to it. Because what would the reverend and the church ladies think? At least there’s dancing. And the music is mediocre.
It’s a surprise to no one when Pete and Nettie sneak away early. She gives me a tight squeeze before they hop into Pete’s father’s Impala, decorated with plastic pom-poms and beer cans tied to the bumper. They’re spending the night in a hotelin Denver and, in the morning, taking the train to Niagara Falls for their honeymoon.
My chest feels compressed as I wave and watch my best friend drive away. While I’m happy for her, my heart aches with the thought of not seeing her for almost two weeks. I can’t remember the last time we’ve been apart for that long. And there was no time to get the details out of her about her first time with Pete. It kills me to think I’ll have to wait for two weeks.
Leo covers my bare shoulders with his suit jacket, and I blink past watery eyes.
“Thanks,” I say, sniffing.
“What do ya say, we get outta here?” He smiles sweetly, his amber eyes softening under the moonlight.
Relief fills my lungs at his suggestion. I smile weakly and nod. “I’ve got my mama’s car tonight.”
“Perfect.” He holds an open palm to me, and I slide my hand into it.
His warm fingers tether through mine, and we stroll to the old station wagon.
Leo tosses a bag into the backseat, which has me curious. He insists he drives and holds open the passenger door for me while I climb inside.
After he slides into the driver’s seat, he says, “I know it’s not officially ours, but I thought it might help take your mind off missing Nettie if we drive up to the cabin tonight.”
“If you’re waiting for me to disagree, you’re gonna be waiting a while.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
By the time we reach the cabin, it’s late. The sky is filled to the brim with sparkling stars, and there’s a brilliant full moon out tonight. Whenever the moon is that full and low, I know something magical is about to happen.
I clutch at the hem of my dress while Leo braces me underneath the elbow, and he helps me up the rickety porch steps. He lets me off the hook from having to sneak in through the broken window.
Once he’s inside, he opens the door for me, and I step into the glowing cabin. Lit candles placed sporadically throughout the main room flicker about. Leo shuts the door and locks it, and I breathe out a light laugh. As if locking the door to this place will keep anything out. But the sentiment is sweet.
I spin and find him leaning against the door, brown eyes so dark they’re nearly black. One corner of his lips lifts, and a shudder racks my body. We’ve been in this space alone before. But tonight, it feels different. There’s hope. And possibilities. And lust buzzing between us.
“You look insanely stunning in that dress,” he says, his low voice skimming across my bare skin.
It’s unfair what his simple looks and compliments do to my body. I swallow. “Thank you. The color wouldn’t be my first choice, but it’s one of Nettie’s favorites.”
He advances toward me with purpose in his fixed stare. When he reaches for my waist, giving it a squeeze, I inhale a sharp breath. His hand goes underneath my chin, and he draws my face close to his.
“Well, I think you’d look pretty in jus’ about anything,” he growls.
His twangy voice has my stomach clenching. It’s sexy as hell. And it’s quickly becoming an aphrodisiac.