“It’s been over two years. All the surviving POWs have been accounted for. And the ones that did come back say Leo wasn’t with them.” She lowers her head and fiddles with the silver spoon resting on a napkin in front of her. “I want to believe he’s alive. But sometimes it’s best to accept the most plausible outcome.”
I sniff. “Yeah, well, I’m not ready to do that.”
Climbing off the stool, Sara sets a few bills on the counter. It’s far too much for a cup of coffee. “I’m staying at my Uncle Jim’s if ya wanna talk. And here, just in case you change your mind.” She hands me an envelope and strolls away.
When I open it, I’m not surprised to find Marco’s wedding invitation. I stuff it back into the envelope, knowing full well I won’t look at it again.
With a gift wrapped underneath my arm, I walk the steps to Pete and Nettie’s apartment above the hardware store. Michael stays close behind me, holding me underneath my elbow. He worries about me climbing these stairs when I’m pregnant. It’s sweet. And irritating at the same time.
“You all right, honey?” he asks when we reach the top, supporting my extra weight with his arm.
“Stop worrying and messing over me. I’m fine.” I swat him away.
I should be used to his extra attention after being together for almost a year, but I’m not. When I married him six months ago—after learning I was pregnant—I hadn’t known I’d lose some of my independence. I’m sure I’ll get used to it, but for now, I’m always at a level of constant annoyance.
He holds up his palms in surrender. “Fine. Just trying to help.”
“Thank you,” I force out and knock on the door.
Nettie greets me with the same smile I’ve been relying onfor the past twenty some years. The same tight hug too. Being with her always makes me feel like myself. Almost whole.
“Where’s the birthday boy?” I ask, scanning the small apartment that’s filled to the brim with children.
“Aw, Gigi, you didn’t have to.” Nettie accepts the gift. “You’re always spoiling Jack.”
I wave her off. “C’mon, how often does a kid turn seven?”
She bumps her hip into mine, and we both smile.
“Hey, Michael. I think the men are down in the hardware store surrounding the television. Some big game is on, I guess.”
Michael’s gaze shifts from Nettie to me.
“Go on.” I give him a kiss on the cheek and shove him back out the door. “I’ll be fine. Let me catch up with my best friend.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Go.”
“If you insist.” He still looks unhappy by this but does what I ask.
Michael always does what I ask.
“How you doing?” Nettie eyes me skeptically.
I smooth my stretching T-shirt over my round belly. I can’t look at her when I answer, “I’m okay.”
“You and Michael okay?”
“We’re good.”