Giana slips her arms free from my grip and tugs my hand. “C’mon, let’s go finish painting those cabinets.”
I don’t feel like painting. I don’t feel like doing much ofanything. I push my thumb and finger into my eyes, trying to force away the last twenty minutes from my memory.
“And when we’re done, I’ll let you wash all this paint off me in the bath.” She shoots me a playful grin, and it stirs an awakening in my depths.
It almost wipes away the dread that threatens to consume me.
“Promise?” is my reply.
Despite the interruption from Leo’s mama, we crank the volume on the radio, dance the evening away with our paintbrushes in hand, and eat some leftover pizza sometime around eight p.m.
We don’t finish the cabinets until after midnight. We’re tired, sweaty, and covered in paint. But completing another project has a satisfaction wriggling through me. Even if I am exhausted.
And even if all I’m thinking about is how Leo is about to leave me.
“All right, Cowboy. You know I don’t break my promises.” I take him by the hands and wiggle my brows suggestively.
He gives me an impish grin but acts like he’s going to wave me off. “It’s been a long day, Sugar. We’re both tired.”
“I’m not tired.” Tugging him along, I continue walking backward down the hall.
“Ya sure?”
I smile and push the bathroom door open with mybackside. “Start the bath.” Dropping his hands, I begin undoing the buttons slowly on the coveralls.
His eyes zone in on my hands, and when he glances back up at me, his pupils are dark and electric.
“I love it when you get bossy,” he says.
As the bathtub fills and steam rises in the small bathroom, I step out of the coveralls. Leo tears his T-shirt off and tosses it onto the worn tiled floor. I help him out of his pants. When he kicks them off, his yearning for me is visible. He yanks off his own underwear before he tears mine off. I unhook my bra, and we stand naked amid the billowy steam.
It’s intense. It’s hot and erotic.
“You’re gorgeous.”
A small laugh escapes me. “I’m covered in paint.”
“Not covered,” he says, dragging a finger down the center of my breasts agonizingly slow and not stopping till he reaches my belly button.
A hunger bubbles inside me that’s so intense and raw.
It’s a desperate need to touch him. To feel him. I’m craving to pleasure him in a way I haven’t yet during our time together.
Bringing the bathmat underneath me, I drop to my knees slowly, not tearing my eyes off him.
“Sugar, no. What’re ya doing?” He lowers himself with me, propping a hand underneath my elbow.
“Let me do this, Leo. I want to.” In case he tries to argue further, I am quick to wrap my hand around his cock. It’s thick and already so stiff in my grip. It pulses, and he’s unable to muffle his groan.
Anticipation swirls around me as I shift my gaze from his eyes to his impressive erection. Being this close, holding it in my hand, rubbing the sensitive skin of his length, has my heart rate accelerating.
“Have you always been this big?” I snort a light laugh.