“I guess I just haven’t met someone who can keep up withme. My mama says the right boy won’t give up when I give him a run for his money.” I smirk and Nettie giggles.
“Guess we’re gonna find out if Leo is up to the challenge.” Nettie pulls Pete’s arms close and snug around her, and he kisses her neck.
As much as I want to grumble about their open affection, I’m so happy for them. Their love is a lasting one. I just know it. Their wedding has been the talk of the town for the last nine months. It seems everyone has had something to do with the planning one way or another. At least it gets their mind off the war.
“Hey, speak of the devil,” Pete says, nudging Nettie off his lap as he stands.
My head tilts in the direction Pete is looking, and I push my hair out of my face. Strolling down the sidewalk toward us is a stupid handsome guy. Brown hair and a chiseled chin. Thin in stature but sturdy. His muscled forearms peek out beneath the sleeves of his shirt. Dressed in cowboy boots and bell bottom jeans that make his long legs look that much longer. I just know they could wrap around my entire body. My belly flips, and I rise to my feet without even thinking.
Pete embraces Leo in a hug, and they exchange smiles and a greeting. Pete introduces Leo to Nettie first, and he teases her by going in for a handshake and then at the last minute he swoops her up into his arms, giving her a big hug. Nettie giggles and swats at him.
Once Leo returns her to her feet, Pete gestures to me. “Leonardo Moretti, this is Nettie’s best friend, Giana Russo.”
Leo’s face softens as he takes me in. His brown eyes linger on my legs in the slim blue jeans I’m wearing. He shakes my hand, and his smile builds the longer he holds it in his. Heat rushes at my body, and I can feel my cheeks burn as his calloused thumb rubs against my knuckles.
“Hot damn, you’re much prettier than Pete led me to believe,” Leo says with an obvious twang in his voice.
I yank my hand free and glance over my shoulder as an older couple I recognize from church passes us, their quizzical gazes prolonged.
“It’s nice to meet you, too,” I finally say.
“Believe me, Darlin’, the pleasure is all mine.”
He’s arrogant, and he talks funny, using an accent I’ve only heard on television. But he is undeniably beautiful, I’ll give him that.
“We were gonna go bowling tonight, Leo. You wanna come, or do we need to get back to see the rest of the family?” Pete asks.
Leo rubs the back of his neck. “Ah, no. Actually, I’m the only one who ended up coming. Y’all know how busy the ranch keeps the family.”
“That’s too bad.” Pete tries not to frown but fails.
“But no matter ’bout them. You’ve got me for the next two weeks. And I’d love to go bowling.” Leo pats Pete on the back.
“Far out. Let’s go get some grub, and you can tell us all about Texas.”
“I’d rather hear about Maple Ridge.” Leo pushes his fingers through his brown hair.
“Maple is Maple. What you see is what you get,” I say with a nonchalant shrug.
“Is that so?” Leo lifts a brow at me, his lips curving in an enticing way. “I’d love to get what I see.”
My belly dips, and shock ripples through me, coming across on my expression, I’m sure.
Nettie gasps. “Oooo,” she squeals. “I have a feeling Leo is up to your challenge, Gigi.”
“Yeah?” Leo questions. “And what challenge is that?”
I glare at Nettie so hard my eyes hurt. “It’s nothing.”
Leo isn’t the first guy who’s looked at me like that. It’s like he’s trying to undress me with his gaze. But I’m finding I don’t mind it so much when he does it. I might even get turned on over it.
The four of us walk to the diner where I work the morning shifts, and while we sit at our favorite booth in the corner and eat, Leo tells us about the popularity of BBQ in Texas and Tex-Mex. I hang onto every word he says, suddenly growing captivated by the twang in his voice rather than being stuck on the oddness of it. Hope bubbles in my chest that things are different there and everyone’s not only focused on the war.
When we walk to the bowling alley after dinner, Leo and I fall behind Nettie and Pete on the sidewalk. They hold hands, and he whispers in her ear while she giggles. A bit of rare jealousy snakes through me. The angst to have someone hold me, touch me, and whisper in my ear is something I’m missing. It doesn’t make sense because how can I miss what I’ve never had?
My only two relationships ended because I grew bored. Both men were driven and career-oriented. Boasted about how they wanted to marry me and provide for me. The first guy never got physical with me beyond a kiss on the cheek at the end of each date. The second guy got too handsy one night and flipped up my dress and tried slipping his fingers inside my panties without asking.
I’m on the fence about longing to settle down and to have what Nettie and Pete have or saying to hell with men and buying that old cabin on the outskirts of town and living alone. Maybe instead of a house of kids, I’ll raise a yard full of golden retrievers. At least they’re a loyal breed, and I wouldn’t be completely alone.