“Good. Then until tomorrow, Cowboy.” She leans over and presses a kiss to my cheek before turning around and slipping inside.
Clutching my chest, I can’t stop the permanent smile from taking residence on my face.
“Ilook like a tomato.” Nettie sobs at her reflection in the mirror in the bride’s room of the church.
“Stop it, Nettie. You’re just making it worse with all that blubbering.” Her mama pats her face with a cool cloth while I attempt to hide my giggles behind a cupped hand.
I’m probably the worst maid of honor in the history of maid of honors. And not only because of the laughing. It’s my fault Nettie’s face looks like a tomato. It was my idea to go sunbathing at the creek near the cabin. But I hadn’t anticipated we’d fall asleep. And since Nettie’s skin is fairer than mine, well, let’s just say, she’s not far off from the tomato analogy.
I suppose suggesting going to the creek the day before her wedding wasn’t so smart.
“It’s not that bad,” I say.
She turns to look at me, and once again, I fight the urge to burst into a fit of laughter. Her mama is right, the crying is making her face even redder.
“Not that bad? Gigi, look at me.”
Believe me, I’m looking.Eesh.
“First, you need to calm down. And second, makeup does wonders. Just you wait. In ten minutes, I’ll have you looking as good as new.” Even if this isn’t a promise I can keep, it stops the crying for now.
I tug a stool in front of Nettie and take a seat. Her mama gives me an appreciative look before slipping out of the room.
Nettie takes my hand and squeezes it. “Thank you. I don’t know how I’d get through this day without you.” Her eyes water again.
“Damn it, Nettie. No more crying,” I warn.
“Right.” She sniffs.
“And you wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for me.” I snort, and despite her best efforts, a slight smile cracks on her face. “Now, let’s start from the beginning with a fresh canvas. Then I’ll redo all your makeup, and no one will even be able to tell.” Picking up the damp cloth, I wipe Nettie’s face, being careful not to rub her sun-kissed skin too vigorously.
By the time I’m finished, the sunburn is a lot less noticeable. And it also helps that I snuck a shot of rum into Nettie’s soda. She’s pleasant now. Not to mention, calm.
After another reassurance that she looks beautiful, I give Nettie a side squeeze and slip out of the room along with the rest of the bridesmaids. Pete is in the foyer of the church with the reverend.
“Pete,” I call, just before he walks down the aisle to wait for his bride on the platform. He spins around, and I tug his elbow and whisper in his ear. “I did my best, but if you laugh at Nettie’s sunburned face, I’ll kill you.”
“Cool your jets. I already saw her this morning. I know she’ll look gorgeous.” He pats my arm and shoots me a lopsided grin before rushing down the aisle with the reverend.
My shoulders relax. But then Pete’s words echo in my mind.I already saw her this morning.The calmness in hisdemeanor. The goofy grin. All the signs begin arranging themselves. I don’t know why I didn’t see it on my best friend.
Pete and Nettie had sex.
My feet are antsy to hurry back into the bride’s room to get confirmation from Nettie, but we’re minutes away from the ceremony beginning. Now I’ll have to wait until afterward. But this information feels like it’s too big to just sit on.
I’m blindsided when Nettie’s mama shoves me in line with the rest of the bridal party. My head feels discombobulated. A light touch to my arm causes me to flinch. But I exhale when I find Leo next to me.
“Hey, pretty girl. Ready?”
My body reacts to his sweet greeting with a low swoop in my belly. I smile and hook my arm into the crook of his awaiting elbow. He doesn’t look too bad himself. He’s dressed in a black suit, and it conforms to his body as if it was tailored for him. Even though I know that’s not the case. All the groomsmen got their suits from the discount store in town. His dandelion-yellow tie matches my dress. And suddenly, the color doesn’t look as hideous as it once did.
Leo escorts me from the foyer and into the church, where the guests look on in full adoration awaiting the arrival of Nettie.
I lean in closer to Leo and whisper, “Did Pete and Nettie finally do it?”