Page 33 of Wild Spirit Revival

A ghost of a smile flitted across Elijah’s stony features. As he walked away, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts about Cody, the letter, and unexpectedly, about the feel of Molly O’Sullivan’s hand in his own.

As Elijah rode back to Wild Spirit Ranch with Annalee, the rhythmic clip-clop of their horses’ hooves provided a steady backdrop to his swirling thoughts. The vast expanse of Mystic Valley stretched out before them, but Elijah didn’t notice the familiar beauty.

“You’re awfully quiet, Eli,” Annalee remarked, breaking the silence. “More so than usual, I mean.”

He grunted, shifting in his saddle. “Just thinking.” It wasn’t only Cody occupying his thoughts. An image of Molly, her eyes sparkling with laughter, kept pushing its way to the forefront of his mind.

“And?” Annalee pressed, sensing there was more.

“Did you know Ma got a letter from Cody?”

“What? No. She never said anything to me.”

“Molly told me Nathan was given a letter to deliver to Ma. Nathan told Molly it was from Cody.”

She shook her head. “That can’t be right. Ma would’ve told us.”

“Unless Cody asked her not to.”

Digesting this, they rode on for several minutes before Annalee questioned him again. “What else is weighing on your mind?”

Elijah sighed, knowing his sister wouldn’t let up. “Miss O’Sullivan.”

Her eyebrows shot up, surprised he’d admit his fascination for the photographer from Chicago. “I thought you couldn’t stand her.”

“So did I,” he muttered, more to himself than to Annalee. He fell silent again, pondering why this city girl had gotten under his skin. She was everything he tried to avoid. Talkative, stubborn, and far too independent for his liking. And yet he couldn’t shove her from his mind.

“There’s something about her,” he found himself saying. “Can’t quite put my finger on it.”

Annalee smiled. “Never thought I’d see the day when Elijah Beckett was captivated by a woman.”

Elijah scowled at his sister, but there was no real heat behind it. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

As they approached the ranch, he couldn’t shake the feeling his future had shifted. Whether it was the mysterious letter from Cody or his unexpected connection with Molly, Elijah sensed change was coming to Mystic Valley. And for once, the prospect didn’t displease him.

As they rode past the familiar boulders indicating the entrance to Wild Spirit Ranch, the familiar scent of sage and horses filled the air. The evening light painted shadows across the weathered buildings and corrals of their homestead.

As they approached the house, she broke the silence. “You gonna ask Ma about Cody’s letter?”

His jaw tightened. “I’ve been thinking about it. Reckon I will.”

They dismounted, and as he led his horse to the barn, he spotted a familiar figure emerging from the house. Naomi Beckett, her brown hair streaked with gray, strode toward them.

“There you are,” she called out, her voice carrying a hint of worry. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d decided to move to town permanently.”

Elijah couldn’t help smiling. “No chance of that, Ma. We had some business to attend to.”

Naomi’s keen eyes studied her son’s face. “And did this business have anything to do with that photographer from Chicago?”

Annalee snickered, earning a sharp look from Elijah. He turned back to his mother. “Partly. There’s something else we need to discuss.”

Naomi’s expression grew serious. “What is it?”

He took a deep breath. “It’s about Cody. I understand he sent you a letter.”

She stared at him, not showing a trace of guilt. “You heard right.”

“Were you planning to share the news with the rest of the family?”