Hestia breathed deep. “I will not pretend I know all that’s passed between the two of you. But I saw two very different people return from that island. And now they are, somehow, reverting to who they were before.” She lifted her shoulders in a dainty shrug. “If you say you’re over your dalliance with Yesenia, as your mother, I believe you. But I am not the one who needs convincing.”
“I tried to find her earlier, so we could talk about it. But she?—”
“Is avoiding you? Who could blame her? Her pride is hurt. Her heart... Well, who can say?”
Erran grimaced. “If she won’t speak to me, then how can I make this right?”
“You try harder, son.”
“Again?”Mariel asked when Destin traded places with Khallum. “When I said I didn’t want to dance, I feckin’ meant it.”
Destin grinned and swept them into formation. “I should have said it earlier. You look beautiful tonight.”
“Do I not usually?”
“I’m your brother, not a beau you can trap with words.”
“When have I ever had a beau?”
Destin was quiet for a moment. “For a while, I thought you and Remy... might marry?”
Mariel laughed for lack of a better response. “That would never have happened.”
“Mar, Iknowyou were sweet on him.”
“Aye, but I was sweet on Auggie more.”
“Really?” Destin peeled back in surprise.
“You’re shocked I like women as much as men?”
“Only that I didn’t ken it sooner.” He chuckled to himself. “Makes sense, I suppose. She’s certainly always been in love with you.”
“Has she? How do you know?”
“How do younotknow?”
Mariel had always been unconscious of anything not directly connected to the survival of herself and others. One time, they’d all been out to a tavern for drinks and a man had joined them, talking mostly to Mariel all night. When he’d invited her home with him, hours later, she’d been so stunned that even he’d laughed about it. For days, the others had ribbed her about her obliviousness. “I suppose I never had time for distractions like that.”
“Love isn’t a distraction,” Destin said.
“If not, then it’s a weakness, and I refuse to be weak.”
“Is that a confession?”
Mariel grimaced at the corner she’d unwittingly backed herself into. “Point to you.”
“Erran has been staring at you all night. Were you aware?”
“I’m hardly aware of anything more than whether my feet are in the right place, Desi,” she lied. She’d seen him watching. Trying to catch her eyes. Starting her way, only to retreat. It wasn’t her job to coddle him or his reputation though.
“Why not dance with him? Huh? Seems harmless enough. There’s only so much he can say when you’re surrounded by dozens of others.”
“I just—” She cut herself off when she noticed the redheaded man staring her way. He raised his glass. She frowned. “Do you remember Korah’s stepson?” Destin spun, and she yanked him back. “Could you be more subtle?”
“Aye, what about him?” Destin’s eyes narrowed over her shoulder.
“I ken he’s quite rude.”