I’d added pictures of us and Nat, along with pictures of Monica and the girls. There was one of Paul and Monica with us on a date night too. The new sofa was big and comfortable. I’d even added one of those huge, comfy, lounge chairs she'd seen online, a small coffee bar loaded with all the ingredients and a few snacks, a mini fridge with other beverages and more snacks, and blankets. Lots and lots of blankets. The shelves wrapped around the entire room except for where furniture and the pictures were. There were also the boxes-upon-boxes of books and shelf decorations for Monica to place and organize.
The outside still looked like hell but that was getting redone this summer. Becks would have a library all to herself. I smiled taking in the work we’d done with pride.
“You’re so gone,” laughed Nick, shoving me.
“Hey. Don’t hate what you don’t understand,” said Trevor. “If you love a woman enough, you’ll do all this and more.”
My eyes met his and I nodded at him.
I’d seen the way he’d been working his way back into Monica’s everyday life. I’d always had the feeling he’d never let his feelings for her completely die. Paul had confided a lot to me about it and how he hoped if anything ever happened to him Trevor would find the courage to step back up. It ached to think about, but I couldn’t say I disapproved.
Paul’s understanding of the dangers of our job had made everything as easy as possible for Monica and the girls in the aftermath. It encouraged me to do the same and have my affairs in order should anything happen. I had Becks and Nat now, and as much as it pained me to think of leaving them in a world I wasn’t in, it felt better knowing things were in order.
“Man,” sighed Nick, oblivious to mine and Trevor’s stare behind him as he finished placing another shelf. “I can’t imagine being so gone over anyone to do all this. I’ve been alone so long I don’t think I could cohabitate with anyone.”
I shook my head at my friend. Nick was older than us by a few years and our group had always considered him the big brother figure.
“Those are the famous last words.” I slapped him on the shoulder.
As we stood and surveyed the finished room, “I just want to say thank you all again for helping me when you could. I know you all have your own lives and are busy. I couldn’t have gotten this done and together without you all.”
“Our own lives?” laughed Trevor, “I’m basically alone and doing nothing when I’m not on shift or with Lacey,” he scoffed, referring to his and Monica’s daughter together.
“And I work and go home,” added Nick. “This forced me out of my hermit tendencies.”
“Think Mon will have enough time to get everything on the shelves and the boxes gone tomorrow?” asked Trevor, looking at the stack with some trepidation. “Are you sure you didn’t go slightly overboard?”
“Nothing’s overboard for Becks,” I spoke softly. “Y'all know how Monica is. She’ll have everything placed and put together within an hour. The best part is, Nat is going to spend the night with them tonight and she’ll bring her over in the morning before she and the girls head out to her parents. The girls will be helping her.”
Trevor nodded, “Gotta keep Becks distracted.”
I grinned, “That won’t be a problem.”
Nick made a face. “Dude. TMI.”
“Whatever, assholes. You guys are dismissed.” I joked.
“Oh, okay, boss” joked Trevor while Nick mock saluted me.
I laughed as they walked out the door and disappeared into the night. Turning out all the lights, I locked up the door behind me and placed the key, and its new keychain, in my pocket.
I’d given Monica the second key earlier and everything was planned for her and the girls to park a street over and sneak in to finish the job. Walking in the back door, I overheard Becks telling Nat to be good as she was heading out the front to meet Monica and her girls for their sleepover.
“Hey! Don’t forget to say goodbye to your dear old dad, Peanut!” I yelled.
I heard her feet running down the hallway as I exited the kitchen and scooped her up in my arms.
“Be good for Mon,” I whispered, squeezing her tight, “Make sure everything looks perfect in the morning.” I winked, setting her down.
She winked back, “I will. Promise. Love you, Dad.”
“I love you too.”
I watched her run past Becks at the front door and grab her bag on the way out.
Becks stood and waved as Monica honked and pulled away.
“So, what are our plans for tonight?” I asked, looking at my fiance.