“Not happening,” I grumble.
She casts a quick glare in my direction before she circles the enormous space, scanning the view from all sides. Logistically, this will be a nightmare to secure. She’s a sitting duck out here. I can already envision the princess sprawled across the lounger in a skimpy bikini pushing me toward a massive heart attack at the ripe old age of thirty.
Ricardo fills us in on the day-to-day information, housekeeping, trash pick-up and all the domestic mumbo jumbo. His words blur in the background as I create checklists in my mind, secure points of entry, and add to my list of protocols. Luca’s team should be here shortly, and I need to ensure all my bases are covered.
Isabella’s internship begins in only two days which doesn’t give me much time to scope out and secure the hospital,Policlinico Gemelli.My guess is that Luca didn’t share the extent of his security detail with his daughter. She’s not going to be pleased when she sees the entourage of men stationed throughout her new workplace. But I didn’t take this job to get her to like me, I took it to keep her alive.
And I would, no matter the cost.
“If you have any questions, I’ve left my phone number in the kitchen.”
I blink quickly, returning my thoughts to the present as Isabella thanks the old man. After a hasty goodbye, hedisappears down the steps and theprincipessasinks into the lounge chair, stretching her long legs along the white cushion.
“I think I could get used to this.”
“I wouldn’t.” I fold down onto the nearby chair and eye the adjacent rooftops. “We’re too exposed out here.”
“Relax, Raf, no one’s going to try to kill me in Rome. No one even knows I’m here.”
At least she’s talking to me now.
The silence on the car ride over here was brutal. I’d much prefer her constant inane chatter to that. I feared there’d be consequences after last night, but it seems like she’s simply going to pretend it didn’t happen.
Which is fine by me.
It is the safest option for both of us.
The first night in my new apartment in Rome was a success, despite the broody Italian in the adjoining room. But I refused to let Raf ruin my fun or my freedom. Tomorrow would be the first day of my internship and I vow to give it my all, which means today, I want to spend the day as a tourist, enjoying the historical sights.
I type out a quick reply to Serena and slide my phone into my back pocket. I’ve been texting with my cousin every day, but I have yet to tell her about the night at the hotel room. That feels like more of an in-person type conversation. She keeps promising to come visit, but we haven’t quite settled on a date.
“Are you ready yet?” I call out into the hallway. I swear the man takes longer to do his hair than I do. He’s been hogging the bathroom all morning. I guess it’s true that you never really know a person until you live with them.
The adjoining door in my bedroom pops open, and I nearly jump out of my skin. “Damn it, Raf!” I screech. “What if I’d been naked?”
“I saw that you were dressed when I walked past your room a few minutes ago. You really need to focus on that awareness of your surroundings issue we talked about.”
“I am aware. You just move like a damned jungle cat on the prowl.”
A flicker of amusement lights up his dark irises, and instantly, I’m transported to the night at thepensione. The way his eyes bled lust as they watched me. The night I’ve banished all memories of and forbidden myself to think about. Ever. It never happened.
Dealing with it any other way is just too embarrassing. Clearly, I must have been drunker than I thought. What else would possess me to dothatin front ofhim? Not to mention the fact I basically bribed him to do it. Any other man would have given into temptation and fucked me senseless, and I would’ve been drunk enough to go through with it. Then I really would’ve regretted the whole thing.
“Are you ready?” he asks, drawing me from thoughts that aren’t supposed to exist.
“Yup, I just need my shoes.”
“I’ve got that covered.” He pulls out a pair of red sneakers from behind his back. My eyes go ridiculously wide as they land on the Prada logo along the side.
“You bought me designer sneakers? But how?” My thoughts whirl back to yesterday as we settled into the apartment. He never left my side for a second.
“I ordered them online and had Sal go pick them up this morning.”