I can’t risk getting too carried away. I already know the sounds I can coax out of myprincipessaso I pull out that tempting digit before she starts to moan and blows it for both of us.
Just in time because I’d been so wrapped up in Isabella, I didn’t realize we were nearly home.Merda, this is exactly why getting involved with a client is such a bad idea. Sal pulls the carto the sidewalk, and I adjust my pants to hide the obvious bulge. Jumping out of the limo, I race around to Isabella’s side so our driver doesn’t have to get out and see my erection up close and personal.
“Grazie, Salvatore.” With a quick wave, I escort my client up the walkway to the outer gate. She’s already fishing through her purse for the keys, and I catch a slight tremble in her hand.
Once we’re through the first gate into the courtyard, I press a hand to the small of her back. She whirls around, eyes bright with some unreadable emotion.
My hands slide up her arms, cradling her face. “You know, we don’t have to do this… If you just got caught up in the heat of the moment or were doing it only to spite me, I’m not holding you to anything.”
A rueful smile drives away some of the darkness in her expression. “No, I want to do this.” Her arms lace around my neck, and she shoves me against the exterior wall of the courtyard, so that we’re enveloped within the tangle of climbing vines. Her mouth crashes into mine, and everything else vanishes.
I’m doing this. I am losing my virginity to Raf tonight. I’m done waiting, I’m tired of making excuses for why this is such a bad idea. I already know it is, but I’m willing to take the chance. Because as infuriating as this man is, Iwanthim. Like I’ve never wanted anyone else.
And after waiting all this time, I don’t want my first time to be with someone I have lukewarm feelings for. I want the fire, the overwhelming attraction,andthe deeper connection I’d never get with Massimo or Jeff. I want Raffaele, the man who makes me feel safe and even adored.
I’m not stupid enough to think my bodyguard is in love with me, but there’s something there beyond the jealous, possessive streak. I’m certain of it.
So before I can think better of it beneath the light of the romantic Roman moon, I press my lips to his and kiss him with the same fiery passion that he devoured my pussy at therestaurant only an hour ago. He groans against my mouth as I walk him backward until we hit the ivy-covered wall.
The scent of flowers fills the air, the trickle of the nearby fountain only adding to the idyllic atmosphere. I only hope the deadly oleander with its deceivingly innocent pink blossoms isn’t nearby. Raf’s hands move to my ass, pressing me harder against him so that our bodies are flush, and I can feel his rock-hard, enormous cock at my belly.
A shudder rolls through my body at the thought of it invading my virgin vagina, but I push back the fear, reminding myself it is made to stretch. A baby is way bigger than any dick, right?
The rumble of an engine vaguely registers in the back of my mind, but I’m too busy matching Raf’s tongue stroke for stroke. The man can kiss, and that is a highly desirable trait in my opinion. Most men are more concerned with getting to the good stuff than taking time to properly kiss a woman.
So I bask in every sweep of his tongue, of the feeling of his fingers digging into the hair at the back of my nape, and I try to imagine what it will feel like to be fucked by this man. I briefly contemplate telling him about my virginal status before I decide it’s a bad idea. I don’t need him freaking out on me.
“No, I can handle my own luggage, Nicky.” The familiar female voice echoes from just beyond the gate, and I jerk my lips free from Raf’s. He immediately stiffens, back in bodyguard mode.
I would know that voice anywhere. “Serena?” I call out from inside the courtyard.
“Surprise!” She leaps out from behind the oleander bush on the other side of the wrought iron gate with her designer duffle bag slung over her shoulder.
“Oh, my God, what are you doing here?” I squeal as I hit the buzzer to let her in.
“I came to surprise you, of course!” She races in, tosses her bag at Raf and jerks me into a hug. “I’ve missed you so much!”
I squeeze her so hard my arms begin to ache. “Me too!” Tears start to threaten, and I blink quickly to keep them from spilling over.Control yourself, Bella. It’s barely been a month since last I saw my best friend and favorite cousin. “How did you know where to find me?”
Papàhas been so paranoid he forbids me from telling anyone my new address. Obviously, I would have had to tell Serena eventually, but I had yet to figure out how since he was worried someone could have tapped my phone. Which is insane but part of him agreeing to let me come here meant following all his stupid rules.
“Oh, that was easy.” She smirks. “I bribed Vinny to break into your dad’s office and find the address.”
“Not that I’m not enjoying this happy little family reunion,” Raf grumbles, heaving Serena’s enormous duffle over his shoulder, “but why don’t we take this inside?”
“I see Rome hasn’t done anything to improve his mood.” Serena tosses my bodyguard a cheeky grin.
“Nope, not really. He’s as grumpy as usual.”
“You didn’t seem to mind that a minute—” I shove my fist into Raf’s stomach before he can finish his sentence. And yes, it was absolutely worth the momentary discomfort and likely bruised knuckles.