Worst, it’s becoming more than just a physical need. I’ve always been possessive over my clients, but what I feel for Isabella goes above and beyond. I don’t even know how it’s possible since she drives me insane, and most of the time I can’t decide what I want more –to kiss or strangle her.
I watch her every movement at the bar, every twitch of her lips as the bartender tries to flirt. The girl is gorgeous, no doubt about that, but it’s the air of confidence coupled with a touch of naivety and her refreshing youth that makes her truly attractive.
One of the other interns moves toward her, the blonde guy from NYU she frequently chats with. Jeff. He’s just gathering his nerve to ask her out, I can feel it. Time to put an end to that.
I stalk up to the bar, downing the rest of my water so at least I have a reason to be there. Not that I need one. I’m her damned guard, right? Standing at the far end of the counter, I order another water and keep one eye on Isabella and Jeff.
She’s fucking giggling. The guy is not funny. I’ve listened in on enough of their conversations to be certain of that. Damn it, is Isabella that desperate to get laid or does she really like this guy?
I’m not sure I want to know the answer.
Movement across my peripheral catches my eye and I drop my drink, twisting my head over my shoulder. A shadow slides behind the bushes of oleander that encircle the outside terrace. It could be one of the wait staff, or even a patron taking a piss outside to avoid the long lines of the bathroom. Or…
I press a finger to the com at my ear. “Alberto, do you have eyes on the east side of the building?”
“I can’t see anything from where I am, but I’ll move closer.”
The hair at my nape prickles, and I reach for the gun at my hip as I move beside Isabella. My pulse quickens, my breaths instinctively coming faster. I find that practiced calm and draw in a steadying breath. Cool, collected and in control.
“Right, Raf?” Isabella’s voice cracks my self-imposed composure.
With one eye still on the periphery, I turn to face her. “What?” I snap.
Her brows knit, a hint of hurt flashing at my brusque tone, but I can’t explain myself right now. “I was just telling Jeff that the view from the rooftop of my apartment is the best in the city.”
I grind my teeth together to keep from biting her head off. There could be a dangerous situation in the making, and she’s still worried about getting laid. “Yes,” I hiss.
“I’d love to come by and see it.” A smarmy smile crawls across Jeff’s face, and I clench my fingers into a fist, nails cutting into my palm to keep the string of curses from seeping out.
“Tonight probably wouldn’t be the best night, right, Isabella? You have that date with Massimo tomorrow. You don’t want to be up too late and keep your professor waiting.” I offer the guy a shit-eating grin.
Isabella glares up at me, sky-blue eyes shooting daggers. It’s not my job to help her get laid, and I don’t feel even a tiny bit badly about that cock-block. She whirls at Jeff, shaking her head. “It’s not a date. Massimo offered to take me on a tour of the city. And we’re not going until later in the afternoon so you’re more than welcome--”
That sixth sense, the one I’ve honed over the years sends alarm bells ringing. My head swings to the right an instant before I see it. The muzzle of a rifle peeking through the foliage of the deadly oleander.
“Get down!” I shout as I lunge for Isabella.
A loud, piercing bang cuts through the chatter the instant we hit the ground. I cover her body with my own, draping myself over her so that not an inch remains exposed.
“Are you okay?” I whisper-shout over the chaos.
“Yes,” she breathes.
Confusion clouds the air as a second shot rings out, more distinct this time. Panic ensues. People scream and duck under tables, glasses shatter on the ground, and chairs are toppled as everyone scrambles for cover. The music that filled the air with rhythmic beats is abruptly silenced, replaced by the chaotic sounds of a crowd in terror.
“I’m going to get you out of here. Just stay calm,” I shout over the commotion.
I drag her closer to the bar, positioning her against the impenetrable brick. Once I’m certain she’s safe, I pull my gun out and point it around the corner. I can just make out a figure behind the bushes. The bullets continue to whiz through the air, a steady chorus beneath the screams and cries.
Pressing my finger to the com again, I shout, “What the fuck is happening out there, Alberto? Put thisbastardodown.”
“Sorry, capo, we couldn’t get around?—”
“I don’t want excuses, I want the asshole dead.”
“On it.”