Page 50 of Ruthless Guardian

“Maybe,” Raf admits with a shrug, “or maybe I’m adding to your dramatic story quota for the day.”

I snort on a laugh. “The last thing I need is more drama in my life.”

After we’ve circled the room, he leads me out the doors, dodging the dozens of tourists milling around the ancient rotunda. We’ve been walking all day, the history unfolding at my fingertips—complex, rich and utterly captivating. Much like my guard. And still there’s so much left to see despite our speed-touring, so much about which I’m left wondering.

“The Trevi Fountain is next on our quick tour of the city.”

The day has been a whirlwind, and we haven’t even seen half the sights. We skipped the Colosseo and Vatican City because one could spend the entire day in either of those historical sites. Luckily, I’ll be here for three months, and I’m hoping I’ll have the chance for a little downtime.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, calling my attention to the unfamiliar Italian number. “Pronto?”

“Ciao, Isabella, it’s Massimo.”

Raf raises a curious brow, leaning over my shoulder. I shove him off and move toward a quiet portico, away from the mass of tourists.

“Oh, yes,ciao, professore.”

“Please, just Massimo, remember?”

“Right, of course.”

“I just wanted to call and check in to make sure you were all settled in your new apartment?”

“Yes, it’s all worked out. Thank you so much for that last minute accommodation. I really appreciated it.”

“Perfetto. I’m in the center of town now, would you like to meet for acaffè? We can discuss your schedule before you start tomorrow.”

I hazard a glance at my overprotective bodyguard who looms dangerously beside me. Likely listening in on every word. “That would be great, thank you.”

“Where are you now?”

“Actually, walking toward the Trevi Fountain. I am spending the day enjoying the city.”

“Good for you, Isabella. There’s a café nearby where I could join you in about ten minutes. I’ll text you the address.”

“Great, see you then.” I slide the phone back into my pocket and meet a pair of inquisitive eyes.

“Coffee with the professor?” Raf’s dark brow arches.

“Yes. Is that a problem?”

“No, not exactly. I’ve already had all the staff of the university and hospital that you may have any interaction with checked out.”

“Of course you did.” I barely suppress an eyeroll.

“But I would prefer these sorts of outings to be pre-arranged so that I have the opportunity to have the location swept before your arrival.”

“You’re insane,” I mumble as I pull out my phone. “Here’s the address. I’m sure you can sendPapà’sgoons ahead of us. I know they’ve been following us all day.”

The ghost of a smile lingers at the edges of his lips. “Good girl, you’ve been paying attention.”

Those two words and I’m back in that hotel room with his hand over mine as I finger-fuck myself into oblivion.Damn it. I squeeze my eyes closed, banishing the images, but when I finally open them, I meet pitch orbs and dilated pupils inches from my own. Clearly, I’m not the only one he’s triggered with those two seemingly innocuous words.

Raf clears his throat and wraps his fingers around my upper arm, gone is the light touch on my elbow. He wants to show everyone around us that he’s in charge, that I belong to him. The possessive hold is all at once infuriating and exciting. Because obviously, I’ve got issues.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the café, with the splish-splash of the iconic Trevi Fountain echoing just behind us. I make a mental note to come back so I can throw a penny in its mystical waters to be sure of a return to this magical city. Raf’s fingers are still bruising around my upper arm as he leads me inside. An attractive man seated in the back stands, waving, and my guard’s hold becomes punishing.

“Ciao, Isabella,piacere.”