Just like that, every last ounce of restraint dribbles away, and Iwanther to win. So I just lay there like astronzowhile she rubs herself against me, and the final seconds count down.
When the shrill sound of the timer goes off, her hips halt their devastating circles and a shit-eating smile parts her lips.
“Told ya.”
“Yeah, I’m the one that lost,” I deadpan. I sit up, bracing myself on my palms. The new angle only drives my cock more firmly against her center and another breathy little sigh escapes. My guess, she’s already halfway to an orgasm and embarrassingly, so am I.
Slowly, I lift my gaze to meet hers. “You won. Now what,principessa?”
The cocky grin falters as if the haze of alcohol has started to recede. She digs her fingers into her pocket and reveals a tiny bottle of limoncello.
Where the hell did she get that?
She pops the cork and downs the liqueur confirming my suspicions that her buzz was starting to wear away. After she swallows, she licks her lips and my damned cock twitches between her legs. “Just so that we’re clear, this doesn’t mean anything.” She signals between us once more. “Since you won’t let me leave the hotel room and we’re stuck here together, I just figured we could have a little fun. It doesn’t change the fact that you drive me crazy, and I can barely stand you.”
“Damn, you really know how to turn a man on,principessa.” A smug grin curls my lips. “And just so we’re clear, you may have won the bet, but I will not be fucking you tonight.” As badly as I want to…
Her victorious smile wanes, her slim shoulders slightly rounding. “But?—”
I press my finger to her mouth because I already know where she’s going with this. That pouty lip is a telltale sign. “I’m a man of my word, and I will give you the release you desire but fucking you, however pleasurable that may be for both of us, would go against every single one of my carefully thought-out rules.”
“That’s part of the reason I want to do it.” A wicked grin slashes across her rosy cheeks.
“I’m not surprised.”
“Then how is this going to work?”
“Simple,principessa. I’ll guide you through it. I’ll tell you where to position your fingers and exactly what to do with them.” That rough edge is back in my tone as I imagine those dainty fingers sinking into her soaked pussy. I’m well aware this is such a tiny loophole in my rules, it’s practically non-existent. Driving her to orgasm whether I do it with my fingers, my tongue or my cock is going to shatter the fine line I’ve desperately sought to create between us. I’m fucked, and I’m fully aware of it.
Lust flares in her eyes, and she reaches for the top button of her jeans.
The warm haze of alcohol has nearly bled out of my system, replaced by the fiery lust consuming my lower half. Am I certain this is a monumental mistake? Yes. Will I undoubtedly regret it later? Also, yes. Will I stop the madness? Hell, no.
I draw the tight zipper of my jeans down, revealing a sliver of my lacey pink thong beneath. Raf’s eyes become two pits of endless night as he traces the movement.
In spite of how much he drives me crazy, he’s also sinfully delicious and this forbidden thing between us is only adding fuel to the sweltering fire. Not to mention the mere notion of compelling my stubborn bodyguard to break one of his precious rules is reason enough.
I’m fully aware I’m playing a dangerous game, but I can’t seem to stop myself.
What if hehadagreed to fuck me?
Would I really have wanted to lose my virginity in a crappy motel to a man who can barely stand me? That’s a definite no.But a tiny part of me was banking on the fact that Raf would never do it. Despite his ability to drive me up a wall, he’s a decent guy and honor is everything to this man. After a month with him, I’m certain of this, which is partially what made me run my mouth. That and the limoncello ravaging my system.
I’ll never admit it, but he is right, those last two shots at the restaurant pushed me over the edge. But I’d had the entire car ride and fight with Raf to sober up. Enough, anyway. A slight buzz still surges through my veins and clouds the logic that would usually keep me from what I’m about to do.
“Ready?” Thick desire laces Raf’s tone, and if I wasn’t already soaked from the building pressure of his cock between my legs, I am now.
“Always.” I echo his words from only moments ago.
A feral grin parts his lips, and his biceps strain as he braces his palms behind him, eyes locked to mine. “Give me your hand.”
I hold it between us and his fingers wrap around my wrist, bringing my index finger to his mouth. He tugs it into his mouth, and his cheeks hollow as his tongue swirls around.