Page 36 of Ruthless Guardian

“Any idiot could have gleaned that information after a month attached to my ass.”

He inches closer, leaning across the arm rest so his breath mingles with my own. “Fine,” he grits out. “How about this then?” He lifts a finger. “Your eyes crinkle slightly at the corners when you truly smile, not the fake one you give when you want others to think you’re fine.” A second finger rises to meet the first. “You twist a lock of hair around your finger when you’re fully enrapt in one of those fantasy books you binge read.” Another finger. “Your lips pull into a pout when you’re unsure or hesitant about something.” The fourth finger pops up. “Your footsteps slow when you’re enjoying a moment, as if you’re trying to fully soak in your surroundings. You do it whenever we walk through Central Park or around the campus of NYU.” A fifth and final finger comes up between us. “And let’s not forget the faint scent of gardenias from your perfume that lingers even after you’ve left a room, and how it’s subtly different in the mornings compared to the evenings when it mixes with your delicate natural scent.”

With his free hand, he extends a long finger tipping up my chin so my jaw closes. I’m staring with my mouth hanging open like an idiot.Dio, I never realized he paid such close attention.

His grin grows wider as I continue to gape at him. “And that’s why I’m the best,principessa.”




My stomach dips, the slight jostle waking me from a fitful sleep. My eyes snap open as my heart lurches up my throat. It takes me a second to regulate my breathing as I scan the lavish interior of the jet. We’re safe. We’re aboard Luca Valentino’s private plane on our way to Rome, not on a covert mission in the Middle East. I heave in a breath, and the moment of panic passes.

Soft breaths turn my attention to the head of dark hair splayed across my shoulder. Isabella sleeps peacefully beside me, the faint crinkle between her brows, which I hadn’t mentioned in my detailed account of all her quirks, smooth now in sleep. Her hand rests on my chest, slender, delicate fingers stretched across my pec. I spend too much time watching her, memorizing every detail of her face. I tell myself it’s an integral part of my job, but I’m fully aware I’m a fucking liar.

There’s something about her… something that niggles at my flesh, a desire so raw and undeniable, it feels like a firesimmering just beneath my skin, waiting to burst into flames. The mafia princess has cast a damned spell over me, and this excursion to Rome will only intensify her hold. It was one thing when we were under Luca Valentino’s roof, beneath his watchful eye, but now I’ll have unfettered access.

We spent most of the night talking, something I was loathe to do. Keep it professional. Do not engage with the principal. My rules are everything. They are what make me one of the best damned bodyguards out there, and one by one, she’s obliterating them.

And she doesn’t even realize it.

A soft groan escapes her pouty lips, and my cock twitches at the sound.Dio, I want to be the one coaxing those moans from her, but in an entirely different scenario. Worse, it’s not just my stupid dick that reacts to her, but an unfamiliar feeling fills my chest at the sight of her on my shoulder.

We fell asleep talking, and never even extended the seats to their fully flat position. We could have had a much better night of sleep, but instead, I remained upright, scared to move and wake her. She’d been so fucking nervous before we took off I wasn’t certain I would be able to talk her through the panic.

But somehow, I did…

It’s ridiculous, but maybe I affect her in a similar way. The thought is oddly satisfying.

The plane pitches forward as we begin our descent, and Isabella squirms beside me. Her hand falls from my chest, plunging down to my lap. And right on top of my hardening cock.


As if she’s felt it, her eyes jolt open, lifting to mine.

“Good morning,principessa.” I offer a pleasant smile despite my cock screaming.

She must notice my unease or maybe she feels my hard-ass erection, but she doesn’t comment. Instead, she jerks her hand back and sits straight up before running her other hand through her wild, dark locks.

“We’ll be landing in a few moments.”

“Oh, good.” She turns away and wipes a dribble of saliva from the corner of her mouth, her cheeks flushing an enticing crimson. Once she’s adjusted her top to keep her breasts from spilling out, she faces me once more. “Did you sleep okay?” she mumbles around a yawn.

Surprisingly, yes, despite the fully upright position. “Umhmm,” I murmur. I hadn’t been plagued by the incessant nightmares that typically haunt me. I tell myself it’s because I slept so little, and it has nothing to do with the woman sleeping by my side.


“Clearly.” She motions to the wet spot on my shoulder that I hadn’t even noticed.Cazzo, so much for my infallible observation skills. “Sorry about that.”

I shrug as the wet warmth seeps into my skin. “It’s fine, I have another one in my carry on. One of the hazards of guard duty.”

Another lie. I’ve never allowed myself to fall asleep beside a client. Not sinceher…

“I’m going to freshen up in the bathroom, if you want to change out here.” Isabella rises and grabs her designer duffle, tossing it over her shoulder.

“Sure, will do.”