Page 30 of Ruthless Guardian

“Of course, we wouldn’t take it back.” Aunt Rose jabs her elbow into her husband’s side then squeezes Serena’s shoulder. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Yes, of course, proud,” her father adds. “And don’t forget, I’ll be visiting often. There’s a new business venture I’m considering in Milano?—”

“No business talk today, D.” Aunt Rose cuts him off with a deviously sweet smile. “Today, is about Serena and her accomplishments.”

My uncle’s lips press into a hard line. “Right, and I trust you’ll be in good hands with Jia.” He eyes his half-brother’s wife, and I can’t say the look inspires much confidence.

The twins’ mom moves into step beside Serena after a steamy kiss with her husband, my uncle Marco. As unpleasant as it is seeing my relatives make out, it’s kind of sweet to see how happy they all are with their spouses. It gives me hope that one day, I’ll have what they do, in spite of the dark world we inhabit and the questionable ways in which some of those relationships started.

Speaking of that world, my ever-present shadow inches closer as if one of my family members were an actual threat.

“I can’t wait to see you two in Rome in a few weeks.” Serena winks as her eager gaze bounces between Raf and me. Then she leans closer and whispers, “I told you he was the right pick.”

“Yeah, never mind the fact I had to blackmail him into going with me.”

She shrugs. “Whatever works.” She inches closer still, and murmurs, “And don’t forget to get on the pill before you leave for Italy. Trust me when I say there is no way you’re coming back home with that V-card still intact.”

I nearly choke on a laugh. “I’ll see if I can make that happen with my dark shadow in tow.” Having Raf escort me to the gynecologist would be the ultimate embarrassment.

The pilot appears in the doorway of the jet and waves down Serena. “We’re clear for takeoff Miss Valentino, whenever you’re ready.”

“Eek, I can’t believe you’re really doing this.” A hint of sadness lingers in my tone despite my best efforts.

“Me either.”

“You’re going to kill it in Milano.”

“Thanks, cuz. And I hope you don’t kill anyone in Rome.” She tosses me another wink before she pulls me into one final hug. “I’ll come down to visit as soon as you’re settled in.”

“Promise?” I’m suddenly nervous, and it doesn’t sit well. All I’ve ever wanted is to be free, to have an ounce of independence, and now that it’s nearly upon me, I am terrified.

“Absolutely.” Serena throws her designer carry-on over her shoulder and waves at all our family gathered beneath the shade of the hangar. “See you all soon!Ciao!”

I can’t tear my eyes away from my best friend as she hurries up the steps in her chunky heels behind Aunt Jia. A mixture of excitement, happiness and fear jostle around my insides. I remain planted to the spot long after the door to the jet closes.

“Come on,principessa, we can’t stay forever.”Papà’s hand closes around my shoulder and steers me back toward the awaiting car. “You’ll see Serena soon enough.”

“In Rome, right?” I cock my head to the side and give him my best puppy dog eyes. After I’d gotten my reluctant bodyguard to agree, I’d gone straight toPapà’s office with Raf to let him in on the exciting news.

He was just as excited as I imagined him to be.

“Were you able to get the men you wanted on board for our Italian excursion?”

Because apparently one psychotic guard isn’t enough, my father had to ensure he could attain another dozen guards as back up. As most of the King’s operations took place in the U.S., he was hard-pressed to find a team in the motherland so quickly.Papàhad emigrated to New York when he was just a kid, and though he had some connections in Italy, there weren’t many he trusted with my life.

Or at least that was the story I’d gotten.

“Almost.” He kisses the top of my head before steering me toward the limo. Raf cuts in front of us and opens the back door where Vinny and Mom are already seated.

“Grazie,” saysPapàas he ushers me into the oversized backseat next to my brother, and Raf slides in beside me. I don’t bother complaining anymore as to why my personal guard must be within inches of me at all times while Vinny’s can remain within a normal distance. In fact, his guard rides in the car behind us along with my mom’s security team. Tony, my father’s right-hand man rides up in the front with our driver, completing the Valentino entourage.

As my parents slip into an easy conversation about my Aunt Maisy’s next fundraiser, I elbow my brother in the side. I’ve barely seen him in the past few weeks since he started his summer job at King Industries. “How’s it going at work?”

He lifts a nonchalant shoulder. “It’s fine. Clara gives me all the grunt work, and I spend hours buried under stacks of paperwork, but I guess I have to start somewhere.”

If I hadn’t chosen to study medicine, the job would’ve been mine. A part of me still hopes that the role of CEO will fall to my brother one day. My father insists there’s no reason I can’t be a pediatrician and run the family enterprise, but it’ll never happen. I know one day I’ll be forced to choose.

Papàhas been more than patient with me, allowing me to pursue my passion, but it doesn’t take away from the ever-looming presence of my title as mafia princess.