Page 29 of Ruthless Guardian

I stalk closer, arms pinned across my chest. “I already told you I’m not going to Rome.”

“Oh, but you are, or I’ll tellPapàabout last night.”

My pulse skyrockets as she innocently nibbles on her bottom lip. “You’re going to blackmail me into this?”

“If that’s what it takes.” Her eyes lock on mine, a hint of mischief streaking through the ocean blue. “I told you I always get what I want.”

“So tell him, and I’ll get fired, big deal. There are tons of spoiled little girls out there in need of protection.”

Her eyes flash, and a satisfied smirk crawls across my face. Only a few weeks with Isabella, and I know exactly which buttons to push. She’s so easy to read, it’s child’s play really.

She rises, slowly unfolding to her full height, which is still a full head shorter than my own. But the way she glares up at me, you’d think she was twice my size. “Not only will you get fired, butPapàwill make sure you never work in private security again. He has more connections than the freaking mayor, and no one will ever hire you again. If he allows you to live that is…”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I growl. “He can’t?—”

“He can, and he will. You’re a smart man, Raf. I’m sure you know what my father is capable of.”

“This is bullshit,principessa.” I whirl on my heel as fury fills my gut. I stomp around the gym, looking for the punching bag before I lose my shit. The red canvas bag flashes across my peripheral vision, encroaching on the blooming darkness. I march toward it and let my fist fly. One punch, two, three, four. I lose track of the hits as it wobbles from the dangling chain. Why the hell did I take this job?

I broke my own damned rules, and now I’m being punished. Figures.

A soft hand on my shoulder stills my arm and stunningly quiets the rage. I spin around, chest heaving.

“It’s only temporary, okay? Once the summer is over, you’re free. It’s not like I want you in my life any more than you want to be in it.”

“You swear?” I hiss.

“I swear toDio.” She crosses her heart as her eyes remain fixed to mine. “I need this Raf. I need it more than anything. I swear I’ll be on my best behavior.”

“Somehow, I’m not sure you even know what that means.” I blow out a frustrated breath because I’m so damned close to caving. Not just because of the threats, but because a tiny part of me actually feels bad for the mafia princess. That’s how stupid I am.

“I’ll follow all of your crazy rules and do everything you say while we’re there.”

“And you’ll let me train you in some basic hand to hand combat?”

“I already told you I’ve been taking martial arts for years.”

“Not from me you haven’t.”

She rolls her eyes so hard my palm twitches. “Fine, that too.”

I mull over what I’m about to agree to for a long minute. I haven’t been back to Rome in ten long years. Not since I walked out on my birthright. Fuck. The last thing I ever wanted was to return.

“Please, Raf.” Isabella inches closer, pushing out her pouty bottom lip. “It’s three months. What could possibly go wrong?”

She had to say it, didn’t she?




“I’m going to miss you so much!” From beneath the airplane hangar, I pull Serena into another hug before she steps onto the tarmac. The rumble of the jet echoes around us, a steady reminder that my best friend is about to leave me. My brother Vinny, and my cousins, Alessia, Alessandro, Matteo and all of his siblings have already had their turns. The entire Valentino-Rossi clan showed up for her departure, and next week, if all goes well, I’ll be the one saying my goodbyes.

“Not more than me,” Uncle Dante grumbles.

“You already agreed, Pa, no taking it back.” Serena shoots her dad a grin. “Besides, it’s only one year.”