James slides to the ground beside his brother, horror carved into his expression. “What the fuck happened to him?”
“He wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Raf’s voice is deceptively calm, like the surface of the Hudson just before a storm, hiding the turbulence lurking beneath. “Now, I suggest you take your piece of shit brother to the hospital and forget this night ever happened, or I’ll take my girl here to the precinct to press charges.”
James stands, his pallor a sickly lime green. “But he wouldn’t?—”
“I saw it,” Matteo interjects. “He was trying to force himself on her.”
Serena whirls on James, venom in her voice. “Take your asshole brother and get the fuck out of my house.”
“Get out.” She shoves him back so hard he nearly trips over Jason’s unmoving form.
A lethal mix of embarrassment and a flood of warmth invade my chest. As fucked up as our family can be sometimes, I know they’ll always have my back. Even when I’m the one that screwed up. Big time.
James hauls his brother off the floor, and I can’t even watch as he practically carries his broken body through the crowd. This is all my fault. Why did I think I could have a normal night out?
“Let’s go.” Raf’s thick fingers encircle my forearm as he drags me down the hall. “This night was a fucking shitshow.”
“Yeah, because of you.” I plant my heels, which is rather difficult in four-inch stilettos. “If you’d just let me come, none of this would’ve happened.”
“You’re wrong.” His eyes flash and he jerks me closer, so his musky scent envelops me. “It would have happened all the same if I’d seen that shithead pawing at you.”
“So no one can touch me now?”
“Not if they want to keep their fucking hands,principessa.” He snarls my pet name an inch from my ear so only I can hear.
“Hey, hey.” Matteo stalks closer. “I get that you’re trying to protect her, but you can’t manhandle her either.”
Raf blows out a breath and releases me. His chest heaves, the manic rise and fall slightly disturbing. The mask of calm descends across his features, and the spasming tendon in his jaw stills. “You’re right.” He dips his head at me and motions to the door. “Please,signorina, may I escort you home?”
My gaze pivots to Matteo then Serena. At least we had a few hours of fun before everything went to hell. “Night, guys.”
“Are you sure you’ll be okay with your guard?” Serena asks. “He seems a little frazzled.”
I barely suppress a cackle. Frazzled is putting it lightly. “Yeah, I can handle him.”
Raf grunts before sliding his arm around my waist and escorting me rather forcefully to the door.
Cazzo, I feel like absolute shit today. And I must look it, judging by the look on Ricky’s face as I stalk through the entrance of the Valentino penthouse. After I’d gotten the little escapee home safely last night, I opted to sleep the remaining four hours in my car instead of driving all the way to the crappy motel in Queens and back which would have left me with even fewer hours to sleep.
More than the exhaustion after a terrible night in my cramped backseat, I’m pissed as all hell. At that asshole who dared to lay a hand on my client, at Isabella for attempting an escape and most of all at myself for allowing it to happen. And then for losing my shit when it did.
I thought I had a better handle on that rage…
Darkness creeps into the edges as screams ricochet across my skull like a pinball, bouncing off every corner with an increasing frenzy. Blood paints my vision, so much blood it stains my skin,digs beneath my fingernails and remains there for all eternity. Isabella is nother…
“Good morning, Raffaele.” Mrs. Valentino offers a smile over her cup of coffee, jerking me from my murky past. ThankDio,Luca is already gone for the day. I don’t think I could face the man after my monumental fuck up last night.
If anything had happened to Isabella…
“Buongiorno,” I echo back with a quick wave over my shoulder. I’m anxious to have it out with theprincipessathis morning. Given her intoxicated state last night, I assumed any attempts at a real conversation would be futile. Now, I’ll lay into her for that incredibly stupid move she pulled. She has no idea how fragile life can be, how quickly it can be torn away.