He rises, extending to his full height which nearly matches my own. He pins me in that penetrating stare. “And that’s exactly why I wantyouin Rome with Isabella.”
With one last glance in the mirror, I steel my nerves for possibly the stupidest thing I’ve done in my life. But for good cause, I remind myself. Missing Serena’s going away party, orBuon ViaggioBash as she’d touted it across social media is not going to happen. So fuck the consequences, and I am certain there will be plenty of them.
Running my hand through my perfect beachy waves, I attempt to slow my racing pulse. Then I smooth the oversized NYU sweats over my black mini dress. Totally unnoticeable. Everything will be fine. I’d convinced my parents and overbearing guard that Matteo was coming over to watch a movie, a totally believable concept as we frequently have movie nights in our home theater.
Moving away from the mirror, I pace the length of my bed before curling a hand around one of the ornate bed posts forcing an end to my agitated movements. The first stage of the plan is already in motion. Serena made accomplices of her parentswithout them being the wiser. My Uncle Dante and Aunt Rose were already on their way to a Broadway show with my parents. That meant half of the penthouse security went along with them.
Which would make my escape much more feasible.
The only problem is my ever-vigilant guard.
Reaching for my cell on the nightstand, I open the security app. Our home is constantly monitored through a series of hidden cameras. Vinny’s room is empty; he’s gone for the night with his guard to a friend’s house. Flipping through the video feed, I stop at a familiar towering figure. Broad shoulders bar the entry to my room, those eyes flickering across either side of the hallway as if some crazed gunman is going to appear at any moment. I’ve been hiding out in my room for the past two hours getting ready for the party, and the man hasn’t moved from outside my door.
Doesn’t thecoglioneever pee?
If I hadn’t planned this diversion so perfectly, I wouldn’t have made it a foot past Raffaele. Despite the elaborate plan, I’m not certain I’ll escape. But I have to try because Serena will kill me if I don’t at least make an attempt.
The sharp squeal of the doorbell through the security app sends the phone flying out of my hands. “Shit!” I squeak as my phone hits the floor with a smack. Dio, chill out, Bella. I get down on all fours and reach for my cell, then watch as Johnny opens the front door and Matteo saunters in. As expected, Raf doesn’t budge.
I follow my cousin on the cameras as he offers Johnny a smile and a wink, then continues into the living area on his own. No one, except my paranoid guard, would expect anything nefarious from one of my closest cousins. With my heart tapping out a frantic beat, I watch as Matteo swings by the kitchen, opens the microwave, sticks something inside and gently closes it.
“Hey, Bells,” Matty shouts, “are you coming out to greet your most favorite cousin or what?”
And that’s my cue. Drawing in a deep breath, I tuck my phone into my pocket then grab my tote bag which hides my strappy stilettos and wrap it in a big fluffy comforter. Then I march toward the door, slipping on a mask of calm. I haven’t quite mastered it, not likePapà. My mom says I wear my heart on my sleeve, but not tonight.
Jerking the door open, I fully expect to catch Raf off guard and drop him on his ass, but the man is like a jungle cat. He gracefully leaps out of the way and even manages to hold the door open for me.
“Your date for the evening is here,principessa.” A wicked gleam lights up his dark irises.
“Don’t be disgusting.” I barrel by him, tucking my comforter beneath my arm.
A dark chuckle echoes behind me as I lengthen my strides to put some space between myself and my domineering bodyguard. Matteo stands in front of our home movie theater, in a pretty convincing pair of sweats.
In fact, my cousin and I are matching in NYU purple and white. Only Matteo could pull it off. He tugs me into a quick embrace with my guard looming over us.
“Is it really necessary for you to touch my client?” he grumbles.
I roll my eyes, shooting Raf a scathing glare before Matteo can answer. “What do you think he’s going to do, shank me?”
My guardian shrugs, the picture of innocence. “You never can be too careful.”
Matty opens the door to the dark room and dips into a theatrical bow. “After you.”
I cross the threshold, and my shadow steps in stride beside me. Whirling around, I waggle my finger an inch from hisRoman nose. “I’m sorry. You are not invited. This is a cousins’ only night. Since you forbade me to go to Serena’s party, you do not get to watchThe Princess Bridewith us.”
“Oh, you wound me so,signorina.” Raf motions a knife to the heart, his expression so melodramatic I barely suppress a grin. But I refuse to gift him that smile.
Instead, I slam the door in his face, ever so proud of myself. As soon as we’re enclosed in the soundproof room, I whirl around to Matteo. “Are you sure you can do this?”
“Sure as shit.” He grins as he pulls out his cell.
My cousin is kind of an IT whiz. He studied computer engineering at NYU and in just four years, managed to outsmart most of his professors. There isn’t anything he can’t hack, including my father’s home security system.