“Give me a day to think on it, Isabella. I need to see if mobilizing my men across the world is even feasible in this short timeframe. In the meantime, see if you can convince Raffaele to your side. It would do wonders for your cause.”
I barely bite back the slew of swears perched on the tip of my tongue. But cursing at my father would not be tolerated. Instead, I slowly rise, knowing full well who I’ll find standing just outside the door to my father’s office.
Begging Raf to come with me sounds worse than gargling cut glass. And here I thought the toughest part of today would be persuading my guard to let me go to Serena’s party tomorrow night. Now I had to beg the man who makes my life miserable to continue in his tireless efforts all the way across the Atlantic Ocean.
“Don’t beg,principessa, it’s not a good look on you.”Lies. There’s nothing I would enjoy more than this woman on her knees. I pour a cup of coffee and casually lean against the counter.
Isabella pushes out her bottom lip, that pout so damned tempting as she glares up at me. Her arms are knotted across her chest, only accentuating her breasts, which are already spilling over her low-cut top. Why did I take this job again? Oh, right, I’m a fucking glutton for punishment.
“It’s a small gathering with a close group of friends and family at my cousin’s house. What could possibly go wrong?”
I take a measured sip from my mug then lower it on the counter, in an attempt to maintain my composure. I’ve never had a client who riled me up like this woman. “It’s a going away party, you said it yourself. And from what I know of Serena Valentino, there will be nothing small about it.”
“I am not your prisoner,” she hisses. “And I will go to my best friend’s party with or without your permission.”
I bark out a laugh and erase the distance between us, trapping her against the marble island. “Don’t push me,principessa, I am not your babysitter or your doting daddy. You will obey me or suffer the consequences.”
Now she’s the one laughing, tossing her head back so those long, raven locks dance along her bare shoulders. “You work for me,coglione.” She jabs a perfectly manicured fingernail into my chest. “I was only being polite and doing my best to stick to your stupid rules.”
I snatch her finger and jerk her closer, and a gasp parts those pouty lips. “Let’s get something straight. I donotwork for you, I work for your father. He may want you to believe otherwise, but he’s the one that signs my check. So if you think you can boss me around you better talk to daddy dearest and tell him to add some more zeros to my pay.”
“We’ll see about that,” she grits out. She tries to spin away, but I have her body trapped against the island and her finger squeezed in my fist. “Let go of me.” Her eyes flash, that sea blue growing darker. Andcazzo, now I’m getting hard.
So I take a step back, releasing her. The last thing I need is my client feeling my cock rubbing up against her stomach. “So you’ve given up on the trip to Rome already?” Anything to change the topic.
“Not at all. I’m only looking for a better solution than having you tag along with me.”
“Good luck,” I mutter.
“Oh, I don’t need luck, Raf. I always get what I want.” She shoots me one of her wicked smiles, the one intended to placate me and storms off toward her bedroom.
Tony’s head appears through the sliding glass doors of the balcony, dark eyes pivoting to mine. “Hey, Raf, the boss wants to see you.” The brawny Italian has been Luca’s right-hand man for decades, which means he oversees all the security staff. He’s a decent guy, but too old-school for my preferences.
Isabella’s gaze swivels toward me for an instant before she buries her nose back in the book she’s been consumed in for the past hour. Either that or she’s ignoring me because of our earlier fight.
I march toward her and mutter a quick, “Behave,” before I join Tony at the sliding doors. “You got her while I’m gone?”
Tony’s dark brows rise, meeting his receding hairline. “You want me to watch her in the penthouse?”
“See what I have to put up with, Tony?” she mumbles under her breath.
“Isabella is notin the penthouse. She’s out on the balcony, completely exposed. There are at least ten points in a fifty-yard radius that would be the perfect spot for a sniper. She’s completely vulnerable out here. Do you want to explain tosignorValentino how his daughter got shot under your watch?”
“Uh, no…”
“Then park your ass out here until I get back.”
Tony stares at me wide-eyed, but my expression is calm, resolute. I don’t back down. Ever. I don’t care that this guy has decades on me. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s how to keep my principal alive.
“Fine,” he finally grits out.