Page 15 of Ruthless Guardian


“See?” I cock a dark brow at the obstinate man dead set on ruining my life.

“ButSignoraValentino, I have yet to surveil the campus and assess any threats prior to our visit.”

“Isabella has attended NYU for the past four years, and there has never been an incident. It’ll be a quick visit, right, sweetie?”

My head bounces up and down, and I try my hardest not to cringe at thesweetie. Sometimes I’m certain my parents still think I’m ten years old. It’s this whole living at home thing. As soon as things settle with my new bodyguard, I’m having the talk with my parents. It’s time for me to get my own place. I don’t care ifPapàsends a whole damned battalion of Kings to guard me, I need my independence or I’m going to lose my mind.

“Great, let’s get going then, Raf.” I tick my head at the door, and the big brute literally winces.

“Before we go, we need to go over the safety protocols for?—”

I lift my hand up, cutting him off as I reach for my tote and throw it over my shoulder. “I’m very familiar with the rules. You’ve made me read and re-read them dozens of times. I promise I’ll be the perfect principal.”

“Somehow, I doubt that,” he mutters under his breath.

I blow my mom a kiss and mouth a quick thank you as Rick holds the front door open for us.

“Have fun, you two!” she calls out.

Raf couldn’t possibly look more miserable as he trudges out beside me, and I can’t help the swirl of satisfaction that scowl brings with it.

My surly guardian jabs his finger into the elevator button, his jaw so tense it could crack diamonds, a silent testament to the storm brewing within. Ignoring him, I shoot off a quick text message to Serena.

She’s going to stage a coincidental walk by right next to our favorite café. The trap is set, and I only hope my overprotective bodyguard doesn’t ruin my perfectly laid out plans.

Our driver, Johnny, pulls over the Escalade right in front of the NYU administration building. But he can’t park there which will force him to meet us around the corner right by the café where Serena will be waiting.

“Meet you atThink Coffee?” Johnny twists his head to the back seat.

“Sounds perf?—”

“No. You can circle until we’re ready. I’ll call you on the com when we’re walking out.” Raf presses his finger to the sleek device permanently embedded in his ear.

Are you fucking kidding me?

“But I usually just park and meet Isabella?—”

“Did I ask you what you usually do, Johnny?” Raf barks, cutting him off. “You shouldn’tusuallybe doing anything. That leads to sloppiness and predictability. If anyone is trailing thesignorinathey’ll know exactly what to expect. Had I known we were going out today, I would have sent you the new protocols.”

“Sure, whatever you say, Ferrara.”

“No!” I finally squeal, whirling on the overbearing man beside me. “It’s not whatever you say. I always grab a latte fromThink Coffeeon my way out. Johnny can meet us there.”

“I never approved a stop on this little adventure. You said the registrar and that was it.”

“I didn’t think a coffee was such a significant detour!”

He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the damned dictionary of lists and procedures. “Did you forget about rule number twelve? All outings must be approved ahead of time so that I have the necessary intel beforehand. I need a team to sweep the location before you go in.”

“This is crazy! You are absolutely insane!” I shout. “It’s just a café. We’re not in the middle of a war zone. And besides, Serena is already there. I’m sure it’s perfectly safe.” I reach for the door handle, but he snatches my wrist.

“So you planned this?” he snarls. “You didn’t have to come to campus at all?”

“Let go of me.” I try to wriggle free of his hold, but his fingers are like a steel trap.

“How can I trust you to be out in public if you act like this?”